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  1. Redpossum

    Witnessed a robbery in Belgrano

    When you say "bike" do you mean bicycle or motorcycle? I'm guessing the latter. Those criminals are called "motochorros". Part of the problem here is the justice system, which tends to be very lenient with these criminals. For those who might be wondering, here's a shot of where Libertador...
  2. Redpossum

    Thoughts on Being an Expat in Buenos Aires

    If you're looking for local friends, Venezolanos are a good prospect. Like you, they are far from home. It's also worth pointing out that most of the Venezolanos here are of the educated middle class. The poor ones walked across the border to Colombia or Brazil. Anybody who made it as far as...
  3. Redpossum

    Thoughts on Being an Expat in Buenos Aires

    NO offense intended, ER, but this is Standard Lecture #17. We've all heard it over and over on these forums, and it's been talked/argued over extensively. I'm not saying you shouldn't have posted it, I'm just saying it is familiar to all the long-time users of this forum Most recently, the...
  4. Redpossum

    Apartment Rental Apartment for a Newbie

    That's because they were installed in the 1970's Welcome to Argentina
  5. Redpossum

    Economy Argentina to pay 16 billion USD in damages over YPF Nationalization

    Getting a judgement against Argentina is one thing, getting Argentina to pay you is something else. Headline of article cited above says the former, title of this thread says the latter...
  6. Redpossum

    Politics Could Milei win in the first round?

    My annoyance with Larreta is the thing he's done/doing to the streets here in Retiro. They've had Paraguay east of 9 de Julio torn up for 6 months now. The one block they finally finished, between Esmeralda and Maipú, now has some green areas, and maybe 5 or 6 parking places, but it's also now...
  7. Redpossum

    Politics Could Milei win in the first round?

    Ah, you never know. Perhaps Myriam Bregman will finish the 1st round ahead of Bullrich. It would be amusing if people voted for a Communist who has zero chance of winning, instead of en blanco or such. If nothing else, it would infuriate dear Patricia beyond words, and that has some amusement...
  8. Redpossum

    Politics Could Milei win in the first round?

    I rode with a taxi driver on Friday who was talking mad trash about Milei, and said he was going to vote for Massa, because he was the least bad of a poor lot. His major beef with Milei was actually a lack of experience. He said that Milei has never had a real job, has no track record, has no...
  9. Redpossum

    Politics Could Milei win in the first round?

    And there's more on the same subject in this story - Qué dicen las encuestas: Sergio Massa y Javier Milei, los mejor posicionados para entrar al ballottage | Fotografía de la carrera electoral, a siete semanas de las generales Las encuestas arrojan que Patricia Bullrich no logra retener los...
  10. Redpossum

    Politics Could Milei win in the first round?

    ¿Puede Javier Milei ganar las elecciones en primera vuelta? El veredicto de los encuestadores La posibilidad de que Javier Milei gane en primera vuelta, sin ballotage, no fue descartada por los encuestadores consultados por <b>Página/12</b>, aunque la mayoría lo ve muy improbable...