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  1. D

    Economy What is the average salary expected by Argentinians nowadays?

    I understand what you say, but I see it from the employee's perspective. I don’t think anyone should settle for crumbs just because a company is struggling. If I were in that situation and knew I was well-qualified, I would prefer to look for something better. Nowadays, it’s essential to educate...
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    Economy Will Clothing Prices Drop?

    I get your frustration, but here in Argentina, there's a growing trend towards digital stores, which are really booming, especially among younger generations. Most people prefer to shop online now without needing to see the products in person, except maybe older folks who are still more...
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    Politics Milei Strongly Supports Sports Corporations (SAD): "No More Impoverishing Socialism in Football"

    Milei is questioning the AFA's stance because, although they oppose Sports Corporations (SADs), they allow many of the national team's starting players to come from these corporations. It seems that results in football are important and that SADs have the best players. The rejection of SADs is...
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    Newcomer Have you ever felt discriminated against or treated unfairly just because you're a foreigner or tourist in Buenos Aires?

    Here's another example of how a tourist is mistreated in Mexico. I find it disheartening to hear about the discrimination this Italian tourist faced, just because he resembles an Argentinian. Being white, tall, and receiving comments like "go back to your country" is unfair and inappropriate...
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    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    Belliboni, the King of Corruption, Caught Red-Handed: Cheating on High School Exam with Cell Phone!
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    Politics Having single-digit inflation is a good start

    The June inflation figures are out. https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/07/08/la-inflacion-portena-fue-del-48-en-junio-y-ascendio-a-2722-el-ultimo-ano/
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    Politics Nicolás Posse and Guillermo Francos will discuss the restitution of the Income Tax with the governors on Friday - Infobae

    Nicolás Posse and Guillermo Francos will discuss the restitution of the Income Tax with the governors on Friday - Infobae Source...
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    Politics Dialoguists, adversaries and collaborators: how the governors are divided in the relationship with Milei - Infobae

    Dialoguists, adversaries and collaborators: how the governors are divided in the relationship with Milei - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/21/dialoguistas-adversarios-y-colaboradores-como-se-dividen-los-gobernadores-en-la-relacion-con-milei/ February 21, 2024 The...
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    Politics The main points blocking the approval of the omnibus law in Deputies - Infobae

    The main points blocking the approval of the omnibus law in Deputies - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/06/los-principales-puntos-que-traban-la-aprobacion-de-la-ley-omnibus-en-diputados/ February 06, 2024 How is the negotiation between the ruling party and the...
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    Politics Axel Kicillof will maintain his rejection of the Omnibus Law and monitors the impact in the province of Buenos Aires - Infobae

    Axel Kicillof will maintain his rejection of the Omnibus Law and monitors the impact in the province of Buenos Aires - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/29/axel-kicillof-mantendra-su-rechazo-a-la-ley-omnibus-y-monitorea-el-impacto-en-la-provincia-de-buenos-aires/...
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    Politics Javier Milei presses for the Omnibus Law to be issued quickly and without changes, but the opposition resists and asks to negotiate - Infobae

    Javier Milei presses for the Omnibus Law to be issued quickly and without changes, but the opposition resists and asks to negotiate - Infobae Source...
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    Food & Drink Uptown Bar - Excellent ambiance and drinks

    The ambiance, music, and vibe of the place truly stand out; it feels like you're in a New York subway car! The service is very good and friendly. As for the food, it's tasty, but the menu is somewhat limited. On the other hand, the drink menu is extensive and offers some really good options, at...
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    Newcomer Tigre Delta - day trip?

    Yes you can easily do Tigre Delta in one day. Almost all TA agents offer the tour and its one of BA classic outdoors .You may also do it by your own. Take the train in Retiro station to Olivos and link with the Tren de la Costa to Tigre. This second part of the trip is fun as the train goes...
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    Politics Could Milei win in the first round?

    I doubt it. He can win in the first round only if Patricia Bullrich and Rodríguez Larreta support him. According to the preliminary data Milei had received 30.04%, but after the final vote count Milei had received only 29.86 % of the votes against JxC 28.27% (Bullrich + Rodríguez), and Massa +...