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  1. B

    The Best & Worst Countries for Living Abroad (Expat survey)

    I like Argentina for visiting but I would never live there full time. I from India and very big lack of diversity in BA. Mostly only white people there and I'm not sure I could easily date someone there. I tried meeting people and try to date during my time there but females there don't seem...
  2. B

    Dengue keeps expanding worldwide. 🙁

    This is very sad news indeed. Seems like this isn't going away any time soon. What was Bill Gates doing with mosquitos. Something makes me feel like this isn't some accident.
  3. B

    Economy The government claimed that wages are outpacing inflation: it's a joke?

    Well an easy way to figure this out is @CecilM do you work? What was your salary in January and what is it now? Have your gotten a raise in your salary? If so, what was it?
  4. B

    The World’s Widest Avenue Has 16 Lanes – And Takes An Eternity To Cross (Avenida 9 de Julio)

    The waterfront area in Puerto Madero was unique for me. I can see why Puerto Madero has the most expensive properties in the city. It all felt so clean, pristine, and very safe. The buildings are all modern and upscale. Great views along the Rio de la Plata. I know it's not a traditional...
  5. B

    Worst things about Buenos Aires besides dog poop?

    I agree with this. It IS a loud city. The other day I was with some local friends in the park drinking mate near Parque Las Heras by Alto Palermo Shopping Mall and I was closing my eyes and just listening to the city and all kind of noise. Very loud city. I also hate the pedestrians have no...
  6. B

    Love Advice - Fell in love with an escort in Buenos Aires - Is it real love?

    I am very happy for this news. I was following along. Bravo.
  7. B

    Advice on buying a new car in Buenos Aires?

    I was also thinking of buying a car there in Argentina but it sounds like it makes sense to buy a used car instead. Does anyone know what is the sweet spot of how old the used car is where I can still sell it after I move back in a year or 2 and do well selling it?
  8. B

    Worst things about Buenos Aires besides dog poop?

    The worst thing to me is NO ONE is on time! Many times I will have an appointment and no one is on time. I got a haircut the other day and I had a scheduled appointment and I didn't get in until 45 minutes later! No one shows up on time or attends you on time here. It is also difficult to...
  9. B

    Comical reading BAexpats.org Threads!

    People on the old forum really need to get over themselves! I read that forum and NOTHING is that valuable. Mostly members fighting and other drivel. Funny people think their stuff is so valuable. Ha.
  10. B

    Changes in the SUBE: users who do not have it registered will have to pay up to $589

    This seem crazy we have to register sube card in our own name? Why they need this? They want to track where we go? I don't understand this? It big privacy issue for me. I thought Milei want government out of people lives. Seems very strange.
  11. B

    Does anyone use Instagram (IG) to date in Buenos Aires? Many girls from Argentina are on IG

    Yes, I'm not sure. I never thought to use IG to make initial contact to find dates. I just follow this guy and I didn't pay but I wanted to see what others experience are dating. I have used Tinder but I like more exotic (ie hotter girls). ha ha. I was just surprised that so many girls in BA...
  12. B

    Love Advice - Fell in love with an escort in Buenos Aires - Is it real love?

    I agree with you! Your friend sounds like a nice girl. I went to some clubs in BA and got some #'s or IG and I was surprised that some girls I was asking out were escorts. I would meet them in clubs like Afrika and think I was asking them out the next day and they would agree to go out to...
  13. B

    Does anyone use Instagram (IG) to date in Buenos Aires? Many girls from Argentina are on IG

    I was curious if anyone is using Instagram to date in Buenos Aires? I went out to many bars and clubs and I met many girls when I was in Argentina. Every single one had an IG account. Does anyone utilize it to date in Buenos Aires? I am coming back later this year and I want to see if I can...
  14. B

    Food & Drink Gibraltar Bar, Excellent craft beer

    What are the people angry about? I was there last month and the economy was very bad but people seemed to be in ok spirits for how bad the economy is. I was surprised how busy all the restaurants are. Some tourists but many locals as well.
  15. B

    What happens if Argentina gets too expensive? What are alternative cities/countries to move to when it's overpriced in Argentina?

    Southwest Asisa? Vietnam, huh? I spent a good ten years in both Thailand and Cambodia. They're way cheaper than Argentina, but you gotta be ready for a big shift in culture. Personally, I loved it. Now, I'm guessing you haven't hung around Vietnam for too long because unless you're working...
  16. B

    Economy Dollarization of Argentina 101 - Can we agree on what it means and how it would be accomplished?

    But I doubt this could even happen what Milei said during the election. Dollarization when? next month? a year, 2 years? or is this 10 years from now. Did Milei or his team explain this in detail to the Argentine people? Did they ask before they voted to him? I wasn't here so I don't...
  17. B

    Economy Dollarization of Argentina 101 - Can we agree on what it means and how it would be accomplished?

    Let me throw in my wild, wild guess. So, Colombia and Paraguay lucked out because they floated their currencies way back, like 20 years ago when they were dealing with regular inflation, not the hyper kind. Argentina, on the other hand, kind of missed the boat. They waited until they hit...
  18. B

    Economy Dollarization of Argentina 101 - Can we agree on what it means and how it would be accomplished?

    Thank you @oil rush. You have a good way to explain things. But I'm still confused. Why is it that if Argentina lets the peso float, it could skyrocket to a million, whereas in the cases of Colombia and Paraguay, their floating currencies only went up to 4000 and 7300, respectively?
  19. B

    Economy Dollarization of Argentina 101 - Can we agree on what it means and how it would be accomplished?

    I understand I think now. So, Colombia and Paraguay let their currencies float. Now, the thing is, why can't Argentina do the same with the ARS? Why go for Dollarization? And, by the way, did Zimbabwe see any improvement by adopting the Dollar?