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  1. Jason

    Economy After approaching its record, Bitcoin fell to about USD 66,200: how much can it reach according to specialists - Infobae

    After approaching its record, Bitcoin fell to about USD 66,200: how much can it reach according to specialists - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/03/04/el-bitcoin-supero-los-usd-65000-y-se-acerca-a-su-record-a-cuanto-puede-llegar-segun-los-especialistas/ March 04, 2024...
  2. Jason

    Politics Omnibus Law: the options that Milei evaluates to advance with the reforms after the parliamentary setback - Infobae

    Omnibus Law: the options that Milei evaluates to advance with the reforms after the parliamentary setback - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/08/el-gobierno-retiro-la-ley-omnibus-y-javier-milei-decidira-como-avanzan-las-reformas-las-opciones-que-evalua/ February 08...
  3. Jason

    Politics The Government made the intervention of the public media official through a decree - Infobae

    The Government made the intervention of the public media official through a decree - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/05/el-gobierno-oficializo-la-intervencion-de-los-medios-de-comunicacion-publicos-a-traves-de-un-decreto/ February 05, 2024 The measure applies to...
  4. Jason

    Politics Almost a month after taking office, Javier Milei's initial “all or nothing” strategy began to encounter political and judicial difficulties - Infobae

    Almost a month after taking office, Javier Milei's initial “all or nothing” strategy began to encounter political and judicial difficulties - Infobae Source...
  5. Jason

    Trip Reports My recent visit to Buenos Aires

    Recently returned from a trip to Buenos Aires and Uruguay. Upon arriving at Ezeiza Airport in Buenos Aires, the immigration process was well-organized. My luggage arrived safely, and I exchanged some currency at Banco de Nacion, conveniently located not far from Taxi Ezeiza. Despite making a...
  6. Jason

    Newcomer Guide to BA Transport System

    Hi! I have a friend who is traveling in Buenos Aires and he told me that it was difficult to get it in Kioscos, and they recommended him to go to a subway or train station, and he got it in Retiro train station, anyway I was reading in the official SUBE site and now you can order it online and...
  7. Jason

    Newcomer Things for Kids

    Depending on where you stay, there are fantastic parks full of beautiful playground equipment and places to play ball—perfect for letting your daughter run off some steam. One notable spot is the Ecoparque, located at 2601, Sarmiento st. It used to be the old zoo and offers a unique experience...