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  1. J

    Food & Drink What is up with high prices of fast food prices?

    Last night, I found myself on a late dinner quest, having finished my latest novel and a little insomnia. Around 10pm, while returning from the ATM, I strolled up Tribunales and stole a glance into McDonald's. A cursory look suggested that all the substantial burgers were priced between...
  2. J

    Newcomer Home Away from Home: Why American Expats Crave Familiar Comforts Abroad - (Journey America)

    There are a number of reasons why American expats seek out other American expats and American products. Source - https://journeyamerica.wordpress.com/2023/11/28/home-away-from-home-why-american-expats-crave-familiar-comforts-abroad/ Home Away from Home: Why American Expats Crave Familiar...