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  1. Pink Panther

    Argentina Before Menem - Documentary

    The history of Argentina is very fascinating.
  2. Pink Panther

    Politics New First Lady for Milei?

    I assume she is joking? Didn't they just start dating.
  3. Pink Panther

    Electricity and gas: the Government is considering freezing tariffs throughout the winter

    Many people online are complaining about paying $0.05 per kwh. People are just going to have to learn to conserve energy. Some people complaining are using a lot of electricity.
  4. Pink Panther

    Free events this weekend

    Wow, free admission. Sign me up!
  5. Pink Panther

    Newcomer Why are imported products so expensive here?

    I don't know if we will ever see dollarization. It doesn't seem like we are any closer today vs. when he took over. I am thankful that inflation has gone down but dollarization doesn't seem to be in the cards. As far as Mercado Libre, prices there are often times marked way up. People will buy...
  6. Pink Panther

    Day 3-5

    @CraigM which plan did you go for with the Ecobici? A friend recently came to visit me but she said she downloaded the App but it wouldn't work. I'm just curious which plan you got? Did you just go with a weekly plan? https://baecobici.com.ar/en/international-tourists/
  7. Pink Panther

    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    Yes talk about dumb. But I think all of these politicians all over the world are foolish. They all think they are above the law and they can do anything they want. We see this over and over again all over the world.
  8. Pink Panther

    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    Another medal for Argentina! They did so good in the Olympics.
  9. Pink Panther

    A newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires

    Thanks for providing the estimate. Looks to be solid numbers and mine is a little higher than that but in the ballpark. I routinely hear that it's around 30,000 to 40,000 expats here but maybe more with people coming and going and not here full time. Thanks for putting the survey together.
  10. Pink Panther

    Food & Drink The best Malbec in the world is Argentine

    That one gets good reviews. I just looked it up on the Vivino app and good reviews.
  11. Pink Panther

    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    I also have family there now and they say it is horrible. Today they sabotaged and lots of arson on the trains. It was impossible to get around much of Paris today. My family was in another city and was going to take the train in and it was closed all day. They tried to get a bus but all were...
  12. Pink Panther

    President Milei has now traveled 20% of his entire Presidency in other countries

    No, you're not asking too much. :p I would love to see that here in Argentina. Heck I would settle just to see the CEPO end but probably won't happen until next year. I guess you'd have to define "low inflation". Argentina's definition of "low inflation" probably is different to the rest of...
  13. Pink Panther

    Argentina's President Milei in crisis as he's forced to 'ditch' ultra-conservative VP

    This will smooth over between the two. They can't afford for the party to be split up and perceived as fighting. https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/lo-institucional-por-encima-de-todo-milei-busca-cortar-la-escalada-con-villarruel-pero-hay-nuevos-nid23072024/
  14. Pink Panther

    A newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires

    It's a good idea to get a big enough sample size. I will go and fill out today. Thanks for doing this.
  15. Pink Panther

    Newcomer Does the protagonist of "El Encargado" suggest avoiding those streets in Palermo for a specific reason, or is it just for dramatic effect?

    I can't wait for Season 3! I heard it's going to be in Rio? https://www.lanacion.com.ar/propiedades/casas-y-departamentos/la-historia-detras-del-acuerdo-con-los-vecinos-del-edificio-donde-se-filmo-el-encargado-nid19072024/
  16. Pink Panther

    Milei wants the retirement age of Argentines to be raised

    I agree this is crazy. Their reasoning that some people live to 90 years old is ridiculous! Median age is much lower. Expecting people not to retire until 70 to 75 years old is bonkers.
  17. Pink Panther

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    If he really thinks that he is welcome to cash in his stash of US dollar savings and liquidate and buy pesos right now. No thanks. I think I will take my chances and just sell dollars as needed.
  18. Pink Panther

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    They are auditing the disability claims of people and some people are dumb enough to have submitted x-rays of their dogs!
  19. Pink Panther

    Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

    Disagree with you. If it was an overreaction she wouldn't have gone to apologize. With Milei going there in a few weeks there is no need to turn this into something bigger. Finally Milei is showing some common sense. This was the right move apologizing. The VP and Karina don't get along and...