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  1. jeffk

    Newcomer Visa Exchange Rates

    Yes, I'm also checking the same information, and I'm observing 960 for USD and 1033 for Euro on the Visa webpage. It's unusual that we're seeing different rates.
  2. jeffk

    Newcomer Visa Exchange Rates

    Where are you getting this information? According to the Visa webpage, the MEP (Market Exchange Rate) is currently at 960 today. https://usa.visa.com/support/consumer/travel-support/exchange-rate-calculator.html Yesterday evening, the new government adjusted the official ARS rate to 800...
  3. jeffk

    Newcomer Money in Buenos Aires

    My wife and I are planning a trip to Buenos Aires in February, and we're curious about handling our expenses. Are credit cards widely accepted? Is it advisable to carry cash? Do they take U.S. dollars?