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  1. Y

    Newcomer Change in expat attitudes?

    As Mart said, most expats only last a year or two. And I'm sure a lot of those leaving arrived in 2009/2010 with the belief that things were cheap. If their USD / Euro have dried up then they know it's not so cheap. So I'm sure a lot of those exiting are from about that time. Very few of us...
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    Politics Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    Your comments show little knowledge about economics nor the facts on growth and real change . The proof of real growth is employment figures and wage rates and Argentinas performance in this field since 2003 is very impressive far surpassing Chile and Brazil . Economy growths 8% average from...
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    Politics Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    Dr Dawgy I suggest that you read my posts and you will see that I have disagreed various times with government policies in regards to inflation and also believe that one of the main problems of inflationary pressure have been in the intentional weakening of the argentine peso. There is no doubt...
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    Politics Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    From my perspective, having moved here within the last 5 years, I see things differently than some others. Personally, I find much more positive than negative in the legacy of Nestor Kirchner. One of the most significant aspects is the hope and self-confidence evident in many Argentines, which...
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    Politics Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    Of course your comments are from a well known righty a supporter of dictators and their like not suprising your view is negative about this article. Im sure that you will post more biased articles in the coming days ;)
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    Politics Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    I apologize for any confusion, and I appreciate your clarification. It seems there was a misunderstanding about the source of the article. If you have concerns or disagreements with the content, reaching out to the author or the publication directly is a reasonable course of action. Engaging in...
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    Politics Kirchner Rescued Argentinas Economy and help unite South America

    I understand that the opinions about the Kirchner Legacy might differ among our community members. However, it's crucial to recognize the impact Néstor Kirchner had on Argentina's recovery during his presidency. When he took office in 2003, Argentina was emerging from a severe recession...