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  1. GraceH

    Newcomer Who Is Responsible for Property Insurance?

    Fires sound like they are rare but I guess they do happen. Just saw this fire in Retiro in the news. Not sure something like that happens. Looks like the water tank.
  2. GraceH

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    This is a great article. Thanks for sharing. I agree with this. I used to buy designer luxury purses and shoes. I used to think there what was important but once I flipped my thinking on what is important, my life greatly improved and simplified.
  3. GraceH

    Wooohoooo!!!!! One PR down, one to go!

    It does seem like everyone in migracones is either corrupt or just lazy or both. At least with all these layoffs and the government downsizing maybe these employees will actually try to help people or lose their jobs. Are immigration lawyers just paying bribes to migraciones staff? What...
  4. GraceH

    Politics Did Milei make a mistake in choosing his Vice President?

    Seems the classic case of two type A personalities. Both very strong personalities and neither side wants to back down. That type of scenario usually doesn’t end well.
  5. GraceH

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    Agree with this. I think locals are shocked at just how inefficient things are for foreigners too. They know it’s red tape for them but somehow they think we would have it easier. Plus some of my friends here see everyone from Venezuela and Colombia that can legally live and work here and...
  6. GraceH

    Equipmake in Argentina - First Electric bus in Argentina on Line 28

    Are there many electric vehicles in Argentina? I never see any.
  7. GraceH

    I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

    A very wise choice to skip the trip to Mexico. https://mldiario.com/por-que-milei-cancelo-su-presentacion-en-la-cpac-de-mexico/
  8. GraceH

    Newcomer Buying Quality Running Shoes in Buenos Aires or Canada?

    @MickMolloy , I have bought shoes at the New Balance store in Palermo SoHo. Sometimes they have good discounts there. Still more expensive than the US but if you catch a good deal it’s not too bad. Same shoes you get in the States. Mine lasted long.
  9. GraceH

    How can the food here be so bad ?

    But how would you compare it to food in Scotland or London. I’ve been there and thought the food was very mediocre there. I admit some of the food here is a bit bland but many dishes here are quite delicious. What I am not too thrilled at is quality of items in the supermarkets here...
  10. GraceH

    Politics Argentina and Uruguay Progress on Bilateral Permanent Residency and Licensing Agreement

    I think they already do this with Brazil. Probably a good thing.
  11. GraceH

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    Thank you @StatusNomadicus! Your posts are detailed and really seem unbiased and based on reality. I have been here several months and prices have stabilized. As you said there were times when tuna was impossible to find or people were price gouging. Hopefully that is over with. Things...
  12. GraceH

    Donald Trump Assasination Attempt today - July 13, 2024

    Most of these platforms are shady. The only one I think isn’t in bed with the government is X. I don’t think Elon can be bought.
  13. GraceH

    What happens if Argentina gets too expensive? What are alternative cities/countries to move to when it's overpriced in Argentina?

    What city did your friend move to? Sounds like he moved just a little while ago. That was quick!
  14. GraceH

    Food & Drink The best Malbec in the world is Argentine

    Yes Don Julio has tourists that will pay any price. I do think the steaks there are wonderful. I went with some friends in town that wanted to go and had reservation for 2 months. It was all tourists mostly speaking English at all the tables around me. Wine prices there marked up. On some...
  15. GraceH

    Newcomer Two-day side trip in August - Mendoza or Bariloche?

    It’s not required at all. I have visited twice and was not required at all. I think some might recommend it but not required. I heard of some harsh side effects and my doctor told me not to get one unless it was absolutely required by the country. He said there was a very low incidence rate.
  16. GraceH

    Economy Amid punishing inflation, 10,000-peso banknote enters into circulation in Argentina

    Thanks @FuturoBA! I heard there are a lot of these false bills floating around. My friend visiting got stuck with a few. Tourists don’t know the difference too well.
  17. GraceH

    Argentina's President Milei in crisis as he's forced to 'ditch' ultra-conservative VP

    To be fair he didn’t “ditch” the VP. That headline makes it sound like he fired her. Actually Milei initially defended Enzo. The song is inappropriate and glad Milei apologized.
  18. GraceH

    Economy Will Clothing Prices Drop?

    Many people I know have cut back on buying clothes during this recession. I have a few friends that normally fly to Miami once a year but they are skipping out on trips this year trying to just pay bills and save up a bit.
  19. GraceH

    Newcomer A Large Percentage of Argentinians Want to Be Digital Nomads: A Growing Trend!

    This is true. My friends that do consulting work and on monitributo tell me that they are getting scrutinized a lot on how they are paying for things. Anyone that is trying to say the government doesn’t care about undeclared income is wrong. Government is desperate for tax revenue.
  20. GraceH

    Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

    Yes this type of thing is common. Some people get offended and some just laugh it off. I have a friend from Japan that comes to visit me and at first she got offended when they just always would call her a chino. But then she just realized that Argentines have their own way. Argentines are the...