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  1. S

    Information regarding visas, CUIT, please help!

    To obtain a CUIT, you typically need some form of residency. Options include obtaining a student visa or a rentista visa, followed by the CUIT application. However, this process is known for being slow, bureaucratic, and, in some cases, expensive. Attempting to secure a CUIT on a tourist visa...
  2. S

    Politics Kirchner's lack of respect for democracy

    You have to wonder if he didn't will himself to die knowing that eventually he was going to face countless corruption charges and might spend some time in jail or at least house arrest like Menem.
  3. S

    Politics Kirchner's lack of respect for democracy

    This article may be of interest to those who read Spanish. I have extracted a paragraph to give you an idea of the writer's point of view: NO SALGO DE MI ASOMBRO <http://esperanzablog.blogspot.com/2010/11/no-salgo-de-mi-asombro.html> By Roberto Cachanosky "No se trata de seguir fustigando a...