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  1. E

    Visas Realistic to Move to Argentina and Live Off Investments?

    Uruguay is more expensive than Argentina - always has been. Right now, everything costs about 50% more: groceries, gas, utilities, household help - whatever.
  2. E

    Economy Moving US $ out to anywhere.

    Thank you Nikad and others. The preferred way is using a bank of course and we will use HSBC. what about the regulations? Have they changed since Macri got to power? There use to be central bank restrictions on moving US$ out. Can u still have US$ in a bank account in Argentina? Can u transfer...
  3. E

    Economy Moving US $ out to anywhere.

    We are in the process of selling a property in Buenos Aires with an estimated value of US$100,000. The proceeds will initially be held in cash in US dollars in a Buenos Aires bank. We're seeking guidance on the legal process for transferring this money out of the country. What are the associated...
  4. E

    Economy No dollar purchases (for locals) unless travelling abroad?

    You think? and why do you equate quality of life to money? I have to be honest here. Most of the rich Americans I know and I know some really rich ones, they are misserable. They are greedy self centered and frankly evil. Their children are typically a mess. And I know poor Argentinians that...