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  1. N

    Newcomer Tina & Co in BA

    Oh my gosh, how incredibly expensive that kind of junk food is here! I can’t believe how much you have to pay for something that costs just a few dollars in the US. It seems crazy to spend so much on something that isn’t exactly healthy, but every now and then, you indulge in those little treats.
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    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    Sometimes the news focuses on the negative and doesn't mention the good economic measures being taken, like oil exports, the reduction of the 'Impuesto País,' and the increase in the fiscal surplus...
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    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    MEP Dollar below $1,200 for the first time in four months.
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    Medical Can anybody recommend a good dentist in Palermo or nearby?

    Hi, I’ve been dealing with a toothache for a few days, but I don’t want to go just anywhere. I went to the ER and they gave me antibiotics and painkillers, but I need to get it treated. If anyone knows a good dentist in the area, I’d really appreciate it.
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    Politics New First Lady for Milei?

    I get that there's not much formality here and relationships are more laid-back, but this woman is moving fast, haha! She wants everything with Milei already! o_O
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    Politics Are the K really that ignorant?

    They criticize Milei for reading his speech, and they can’t even read with coherence... my God.
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    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    I love how the reporters from C5N can’t find anyone to take down Milei, haha. They won’t let them keep talking after a guy says that cutting subsidies is fine, even though he’s a hardworking person with three jobs who hasn’t gone on vacation in six years. In other words, regular, hardworking...
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    Economy The Government has described the privileges of pilots as immoral: from business class tickets to dollar bonuses - Infobae

    This will outrage you even more, one of the main union leaders who pushed for the strike took a flight to Spain with his family just hours before.🤦‍...
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    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    As long as the CCL drops, the blue dollar will also go down. Plus, the capital amnesty is progressing, which is evident in the increase in dollar deposits. The reduction of the "Impuesto País" has also contributed to this sharp drop in the parallel dollar. It seems like everything is going the...
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    Politics “I’ll wait for you at the Patria” and “Don’t get nervous”: Javier Milei and Cristina Kirchner’s clash escalates - Infobae

    I don’t get how she has the nerve to criticize the government when she and her cronies left such a mess.🤦‍♂️ The memes about this Twitter feud are really funny.😂
  11. N

    Taxes All the tariff increases that arrive in September

    Here’s a list of appliances and devices that we should unplug when they’re off because they continue to consume energy. With bills being so high these days, it’s better to keep an eye on expenses. Video Game Console Vampire consumption: up to 23.3 Wh in standby mode and around 1 Wh when off but...
  12. N

    Politics Who attempted to take the life of the President of the Argentine Rural Society?

    What's incredible is that no politicians have condemned the attack, except for Villarruel and Jorge Macri. The rest, whether they are Kirchnerists or not, haven't spoken out about it.
  13. N

    Economy New Trend: Argentinians' Savings Alternative - Gold

    The dollar has been one of the worst investments of 2024, as it's been far outperformed by several other investment options. Caputo’s goal of discouraging savings in dollars is coming true.
  14. N

    Politics 2025 Legislative Elections

    People in Argentina continue to support Milei despite the enormous strain on their incomes, the closure of companies, and the fact that inflation isn’t dropping to the level he wants. They keep supporting him because they realize there’s no alternative, we’ve hit rock bottom.
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    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    More shady dealings by former President Alberto Fernández, he used state funds to finance two ultra-Kirchnerist bars, "Lo de Néstor" and "El Justicialista." These are politically-driven eateries that got direct or indirect transfers from the government throughout his four years in office...
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    Taxes All the tariff increases that arrive in September

    Today, tolls are also increasing by 5%. https://www.lanacion.com.ar/economia/aumento-de-peajes-cuanto-cuestan-a-partir-de-septiembre-2024-nid02092024/
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    Newcomer Moving to Pilar: Expat Opinions and Recommendations

    Pilar is a lot like American-style suburbs, with gated communities where you need to drive to get anywhere. There are some expats around, but not too many English speakers.
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    Newcomer Everything Made Simple: Digital Vehicle Registration

    In the Milei era, digitalization is really picking up steam and changing how we handle paperwork in Argentina. Thanks to two new resolutions from the Ministry of Justice, we now have the Unique Digital File (LDU) and the Digital Automotive Certificate (CDA), which means less paperwork and fewer...
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    Food & Drink Where can I find speakeasies in Buenos Aires?

    You should go to Frank's Bar. To get in, you’ll need to crack a code at the entrance. Once inside, you’ll find a classic speakeasy vibe with excellent drinks. I went with a group of friends, and we really had a great time. The drinks are excellent, but what I loved the most was the party...
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    Politics Did Milei make a mistake in choosing his Vice President?

    Yes, the Senate backed down from the increase, but why do you think they did it? It's clear they felt pressured by Milei.