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  1. J

    Economy Argentina's continued collapse by another Redditor in June 2023

    “The boom, in a way, is a facade. Everyone seems to be having a good time. Yet in much of the country, Argentines are barely surviving and hunger is on the rise. And in the more affluent circles, the fever to go out is a symptom of the decline of the middle class that, unable to afford large...
  2. J

    Economy Argentina's continued collapse by another Redditor in June 2023

    Can't help imagining this guy arriving as that vulgar gringo at Don Julio "OMG it's soooo cheap, I can literrrrrrally buy everthing on the menu and it is still cheaper than in New York, I like literrrraly own you" until he suddenly felt his real wealth wasn't so great when faced with price tags...
  3. J

    FX Holiday today & Monday?

    I heard it too on La Nacion+ a short while ago. You can always gauge the informal, unofficial progress/decay on a cryptocurrency exchange site with a USD/ARS pair until/if the official FX returns to trading. (At this moment i'm seeing 443.50 for USDT/ARS)
  4. J

    De-Dollarization Affecting Expats and Nomads

    Maybe not much of a silver lining, but at least when it comes to eating out at restaurants you'll have a "picante" option.
  5. J

    Real Estate Sales Retirement in Buenos Aires

    I guess it is possible in Buenos Aires, but you are going to miss a lot of the culture of this wonderful country. I don't know how old are you, but I started studying Spanish in my fifties and now (a few years after) I am reasonably fluent and in general have no problems dealing with...
  6. J

    Apartment Rental Airbnb property manager

    Ugh. This is my fear so I’m really going back and forth in whether it’s worth it. Are you using a company to manage it? Or friends you said?
  7. J

    Apartment Rental Airbnb property manager

    Hello all, I have an apartment in Palermo that I’m hoping to list on Airbnb. However, I travel quite a bit so I am in need of a property manager who can manage it from checkin to check out and in between. Does anyone have any recommendations? I’d appreciate any information you can provide. Thanks!
  8. J

    Travel Flying Out Of Eze April 6Th

    I said to hell with going through the hassle of a 6 April departure from EZE, so I changed my flight to the day before. I'm fortunate that I could change because my ticket is mileage award travel, thus no change fee, etc.
  9. J

    Economy It's Too Expensive Here!

    Yep. Just part of the cycle of life in argentina. Alternating periods of expensive and cheap. My utility bills went from $800/ month to $6000 thats a hell of a hit.
  10. J

    Apartment Rental Apt. Rental in Pesos...?? Light Blue Rate..??

    ofcourse as a landlord they don't want the bank rate, which really actually isn't the rate. but at the same time for the renter its not fair either! i rent my apartment out and meet in the middle always, but luckily i have an account outside of Argentina so me and the renter have a win, win...
  11. J

    Banking transering $ abroad from apt sale

    What if you're living with someone else? Not exactly renting it out, since no income, but either letting someone stay there to housesit or a gf/bf that shares the place with you and likes to watch tv? Does the government need to know about your bedroom life as well?