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    Visas Student visa requirements

    I found something similar for 2024: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/educacion/campusglobal/visa-estudios
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    Banking How to bring in USD Legally to buy property?

    Talk to your bank. If you have a DNI and are in a regular situation and all you should be able to open a USD account here to send yourself USD from your own USD account abroad (names must be identical.) You then go to your bank here and withdraw your USD from your USD account in USD cash.
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    Newcomer 2000 USD per family member for residency application?

    Savings won't offset the requirement, for sure. If I understand correctly you do have to prove "financial stability" for the investment visa, and they might be saying that that's the amount required these days to prove that. It's certainly the requirement under rentista. If it were up to me...
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    Visas Student visa requirements

    Hello all, I'm going to apply a student visa inside Argentina. There are some requirements that I'm not sure if understand it correctly. Hope someone with experience here could give me some ideas. 1. It says on the website that "Certificados Analíticos, Títulos obtenidos y toda documentación...