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  1. D

    Economy Argentina isn't the affordable option

    Just in case Argentina gets dollarised and expensive, here's where you can go for less than current Argentine prices:
  2. D

    Politics What This Means For Ex Pats

    As this is an ex pat forum, and just being as candid as I can, aside from the frustrations of getting dollars, not being able to obtain certain imported items (which now albeit being able to get are still way too expensive so I don’t even bother), and of course, just feeling a sense of disorder...
  3. M

    Apartment Rental Is this the right time to buy a flat in Argentina?

    Hello everyone, I'm currently contemplating whether this is an opportune time to consider purchasing a flat in the area. I visit every year, staying for a few months due to personal connections and the ability to work remotely over the internet. Over the past few years, properties have been...