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  1. L

    Milei’s Austerity Plan Pushes Argentina Into Recession in First Quarter

    Things not working out as planned for Milei. And some are like firing 525,000 employees in the first 3 months of his Presidency. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/milei-austerity-plan-pushes-argentina-191325209.html?_fsig=QFIvvoyFKUlHtNw3un3MbQ--%7EA...
  2. L

    The emotional farewell to the last postal employee in Gualjaina

    Very sad to read about the last postal employee in this town. Crazy almost 3,000 employees of Correo Argentino have been fired. The mail service is already horrible. Hard to imagine how it will be with 3,000 less employees. Many companies have the same thing happening...
  3. L

    Government austerity hinders safety at Argentina’s national parks

    All these cuts are hurting safety at the national parks. Hopefully the increases to the entrance fees will save some jobs and keep the parks safe. https://buenosairesherald.com/what-to-do-in-argentina/around-argentina/in-patagonia/government-austerity-hinders-safety-at-argentinas-national-parks
  4. BASally

    Newcomer Milei’s Austerity Is Devastating Argentina

    Is this real? Are Argentines that bad off? https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/03/05/argentina-milei-economy-peso-devaluation-austerity-hunger/ People are starving? More people are living in destitution? 😥
  5. P

    Economy Argentina downgraded to nearly junk status

    The powers that control Argentina want to punish her for expressing their collective vote and saying no to austerity and servitude. People voted against Macri due to their terrible financial situation . Unfortunately I believe it will get much worse if Argentina defaults...