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  1. Uncle Wong

    Argentina’s car industry optimistic on Chinese imports

    Some of these cars coming out of China are amazing. The USA can't compete with some of the EV's coming out of China so they slap HUGE import taxes on it. Hopefully Argentina cuts many of their import taxes. https://america.cgtn.com/2024/08/29/argentinas-car-industry-optimistic-on-chinese-imports
  2. J

    Legal Automobile parts

    Given the problems that Argentina is having with imports, are there brands/manufacturers that are less likely to have a problem supplying replacement parts within Argentina in the next couple of years?
  3. R

    Getting a CDI # in Argentina to buy a car

    Just a shout out and big thanks to Mike and Ana at www.buysellba.com. I was in the process of moving to Argentina and I was purchasing a car. I didn't know you needed a tax ID # which is called a CDI #. I found their website and although I wasn't buying a property I asked them if I could hire...