Another one bites the dust. Argentina is going to regulate bitcoin and cypto just like other countries.
I am reading articles that say bitcoin should become more widely adopted but I don't actually see any developers accept it or have any interest in it. Has anyone talked to any property developers or pozo properties where you can pay in crypto? I saw a few apartments for sale and owners only...
After approaching its record, Bitcoin fell to about USD 66,200: how much can it reach according to specialists - Infobae
March 04, 2024...
We compare Gold, Brick and Bitcoin - Reporte Inmobiliario
February 9, 2024
Closing 2023 the performance of Bitcoin improved but it continues to demonstrate a lot of volatility unlike brick...
Javier Milei Drives Bitcoin Adoption in Argentine Real Estate Market - Crypto New Flash
January 16, 2024
Javier Milei, president of Argentina, allows local provincial...
This is good news. Milei is opening the door for people to use bitcoin in transactions.
para esas personas en el lado contra Milei, si vas a salir Argentina, estoy interesado en comprar tu PH/departamento en BsAs. dime las calles y el precio, y si aceptas Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin parte o todo de la venta.
(this post may not be relevant to anyone here on this upgraded forum, but i no...
I've been reading a lot about this the last couple of months It means other countries are no longer using US dollars to trade with each other, for example China and Russia and using Yuan and Ruble, etc. Even Saudi Arabia is trading with China in their respective currencies.
I just read this...