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bus strike

  1. CecilM

    Politics Another bus strike today?

    Today, people were caught off guard by an unexpected bus strike. Apparently, it's due to delays in salary payments for some lines. Many buses aren't running, and the chaos is noticeable. I saw it on the news, but a lot of people were in a great mood because of Argentina's win last night...
  2. All the Answers

    Politics Before the meeting for the bus strike, the Government says that the companies do nothing to avoid the strike - Infobae

    Before the meeting for the collective strike, the Government says that the companies do nothing to avoid the strike and threaten to take away their licenses - Infobae Source...
  3. All the Answers

    Politics The Government spoke about the bus strike: “We find it horrifying and the one who needs the service always pays” - Infobae

    The Government spoke about the bus strike: “We find it horrifying and the one who needs the service always pays” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/04/11/el-gobierno-hablo-sobre-el-paro-de-colectivos-nos-parece-horroroso-y-siempre-paga-el-que-necesita-el-servicio/ April...
  4. All the Answers

    Politics The Buenos Aires government blamed the Nation for the bus strike: “The one who decides whether to make the money is Caputo” - Infobae

    The Buenos Aires government blamed the Nation for the bus strike: “The one who decides whether to make the money is Caputo” - Infobae Source...
  5. All the Answers

    Politics Bus strike: disagreement persists and the meeting between the Government, businessmen and the union is extended - Infobae

    Bus strike: disagreement persists and the meeting between the Government, businessmen and the union is extended - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/04/11/el-gobierno-convoco-a-la-camara-de-colectivos-y-al-gremio-para-intentar-que-se-levante-el-paro/ April 11, 2024 The...
  6. All the Answers

    Economy Possible bus stoppage: 3 keys to know if there will be transportation after 6 p.m. - Infobae

    Possible bus stoppage: 3 keys to know if there will be transportation after 6 p.m. - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/08/posible-paro-de-colectivos-3-claves-para-saber-si-habra-transporte-luego-de-las-18/ April 08, 2024 The unions, business chambers and the...
  7. CartyHTY

    Politics Bus strike: which provinces are affected and how long will the UTA strike last?

    Urban and interurban services in the interior of the country will be affected this Thursday, February 8, starting at midnight. The Unión Tranviarios Automotor (UTA) announced a 24-hour bus strike in the interior of the country due to the failure of salary negotiations with the business...
  8. tylerx

    Economy Transport: the UTA asked Caputo to intervene in the salary conflict and warned of a bus strike - Infobae

    Transport: the UTA asked Caputo to intervene in the salary conflict and warned of a bus strike - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/30/transporte-la-uta-le-pidio-a-caputo-que-intervenga-en-el-conflicto-salarial-y-advirtio-por-un-paro-de-colectivos/ January 30, 2024...