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  1. All the Answers

    Politics Javier Milei responded to CFK: “What is the use of what we are doing? "It serves to rebuild the country that you destroyed." - Infobae

    Javier Milei responded to CFK: “What is the use of what we are doing? "It serves to rebuild the country that you destroyed." - Infobae Source...
  2. honey

    Politics The Government's reaction to the CFK document: “He has the nerve to express himself as if he were not guilty of anything” - Infobae

    The Government's reaction to the CFK document: “He has the nerve to express himself as if he were not guilty of anything” - Infobae Source...
  3. D

    Politics What This Means For Ex Pats

    As this is an ex pat forum, and just being as candid as I can, aside from the frustrations of getting dollars, not being able to obtain certain imported items (which now albeit being able to get are still way too expensive so I don’t even bother), and of course, just feeling a sense of disorder...
  4. MDirtBoy

    Economy Capital Flight Fell to $1.61B in Q1

    Capital flight, defined as "the formation of assets abroad by the non-financial sector," fell from $3.64B in Q4 2011 to $1.61B in Q1 2012 according to the central bank. NASDAQ Article There are a lot of people who will argue that CFK didn't have much choice but to impose currency controls to...