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  1. David

    New Argentine Currency Launched to Offset Milei’s Shock Therapy

    Who in their right mind would accept these Chachos? I know several provinces tried this in the early 2000's and eventually people were able to cash them in but does anyone really think that anyone will get made whole on their Chachos...
  2. W

    ‘Los chachos’: La Rioja launches currency to offset Milei’s shock therapy

    Provinces starting to print their own junk currencies again. https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/economy/los-chachos-la-rioja-launches-currency-to-offset-mileis-shock-therapy.phtml
  3. Russell

    Economy The 'Chachos' are already circulating in La Rioja - does issuing a new currency serve any purpose?

    Does this tactic really work to revive the economy and consumption? I'm not so sure about that; it was already tried during the 2001 crisis in Argentina, and it didn't turn out well. It worked as a local exchange alternative in some communities but didn't solve the national economic problems...