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child molester

  1. Flamingo

    Teatro Colón fires renowned musical director after child sex abuse allegations - BA Times

    I just watched the Sound of Freedom and was very disturbed with this issue. I didn't know too much about this and was shocked to see this issue and kids getting transported from South America all over. These sick predators need the death penalty! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7599146/ I just...
  2. W

    Even the Pope is visiting Milei after Milei called him an imbecile - Fox News

    Just to show you the power of Milei and how world leaders realize how much power he has. President Milei called the Pope an imbecile during his campaign. Like many other things, Milei is back tracking and invited the Pope and the Pope knows he can't refuse his visit. For those that don't...