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  1. All the Answers

    Economy The Government declared air transport as an essential service: the obligations that companies must comply with - Infobae

    The Government declared air transport as an essential service: the obligations that companies must comply with - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/16/el-gobierno-declaro-al-transporte-aereo-como-servicio-esencial-las-obligaciones-que-las-empresas-deberan-cumplir/...
  2. All the Answers

    Economy The Government assures that the fall in employment has been halted: “Companies are encouraged to hire” - Infobae

    The Government assures that the fall in employment has been halted: “Companies are encouraged to hire” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/09/el-gobierno-asegura-que-se-freno-la-caida-del-empleo-las-empresas-se-animan-a-contratar/ September 09, 2024 The Secretary of...
  3. BuySellBA

    Real Estate Sales More than 100,000 homes from the Procrear Plan remain paralyzed and there are construction companies at risk - Infobae

    More than 100,000 homes from the Procrear Plan remain paralyzed and there are construction companies at risk - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/06/05/mas-de-100000-viviendas-del-plan-procrear-siguen-paralizadas-y-hay-empresas-constructoras-en-riesgo/ June 05, 2024 The...
  4. All the Answers

    Economy Tough negotiation between the Government and the private health companies - Infobae

    Tough negotiation between the Government and the prepaid companies: there will be a refund of what was overcharged in 12 installments with interest and free rates since July - Infobae Source...
  5. All the Answers

    Economy Private Health Insurance: large companies in the sector are analyzing a return scheme that does not go below 6 installments - Infobae

    Prepaid: large companies in the sector are analyzing a return scheme that does not go below 6 installments - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/24/prepagas-la-empresas-grandes-del-sector-analizan-un-esquema-de-devolucion-que-no-baje-de-las-6-cuotas/ May 24, 2024...
  6. All the Answers

    Politics Praise from the United States for the reforms promoted by Milei: “They generate optimism in companies” - Infobae

    Praise from the United States for the reforms promoted by Milei: “They generate optimism in companies” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/24/elogio-de-estados-unidos-a-las-reformas-que-impulsa-milei-generan-optimismo-en-las-empresas/ May 24, 2024 This was stated by...
  7. All the Answers

    Economy Milei described his meeting with Spanish companies as extraordinary, in the midst of the fight with the Sánchez government - Infobae

    Milei described his meeting with Spanish companies as extraordinary, in the midst of the fight with the Sánchez government: what did he tell them - Infobae Source...
  8. N

    Economy Foreign companies are regaining confidence in Argentina

    Foreign companies are regaining confidence in Argentina; this is the beginning of an economic resurgence.
  9. All the Answers

    Politics The Government reduced Moyano's power: it considered that a demand by Truckers to companies is illegal - Infobae

    The Government reduced Moyano's power: it considered that a demand by Truckers to companies is illegal - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/16/el-gobierno-recorto-el-poder-de-moyano-considero-que-es-ilegal-una-exigencia-de-camioneros-a-las-empresas/ May 16, 2024 A...
  10. All the Answers

    Politics After the CGT strike, an official nod to a PRO project to sanction union blockades against companies - Infobae

    After the CGT strike, an official nod to a PRO project to sanction union blockades against companies - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/15/tras-el-paro-de-la-cgt-guino-oficial-a-un-proyecto-del-pro-para-sancionar-los-bloqueos-sindicales-contra-las-empresas/ May 15...
  11. All the Answers

    Economy Salaries fell sharply against prices in the first quarter and companies expect to increase less than inflation - Ambito Financiero

    Salaries fell sharply against prices in the first quarter and companies expect to increase less than inflation - Ámbito Source: https://www.ambito.com/economia/los-salarios-perdieron-fuerte-contra-los-precios-el-primer-trimestre-y-las-empresas-preven-aumentar-menos-que-la-inflacion-n5995664...
  12. All the Answers

    Politics The Government clarified that the deadline for prepaid companies to refund the surplus they charged to their affiliates is maintained - Infobae

    The Government clarified that the deadline for private health companies to refund the surplus they charged to their affiliates is maintained - Infobae Source...
  13. All the Answers

    Economy Private health companies are preparing to comply with the ruling: when will they present the refund scheme and which companies it covers - Infobae

    Private health companies are preparing to comply with the ruling: when will they present the refund scheme and which companies it covers - Infobae Source...
  14. All the Answers

    Economy Private health companies (Prepagas): the Government defined how to calculate the fee to pay in May - Infobae

    Private health companies (Prepagas): the Government defined how to calculate the fee to pay in May - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/02/prepagas-como-calcular-la-cuota-a-pagar-en-mayo-despues-del-tope-que-fijo-el-gobierno/ May 02, 2024 Companies will be able to...
  15. All the Answers

    Politics Luis Caputo announced that the Government will fine prepaid companies that do not roll back the increases - Infobae

    Luis Caputo announced that the Government will fine prepaid companies that do not roll back the increases - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/01/luis-caputo-anuncio-que-el-gobierno-multara-a-las-prepagas-que-no-retrotraigan-los-aumentos/ May 01, 2024 The Minister of...
  16. All the Answers

    Politics US companies expressed their support for the Labor Reform that will be discussed next Monday in Deputies - Infobae

    US companies expressed their support for the Labor Reform that will be discussed next Monday in Deputies - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/04/26/las-empresas-de-eeuu-expresaron-su-apoyo-a-la-reforma-laboral-que-se-tratara-el-proximo-lunes-en-diputados/ April 26, 2024...
  17. All the Answers

    Economy More taxes: new municipal taxes affect companies and put pressure on prices - Infobae

    More taxes: new municipal taxes affect companies and put pressure on prices - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/25/mas-impuestos-nuevas-tasas-municipales-afectan-a-las-empresas-y-presionan-sobre-los-precios/ April 25, 2024 The income crisis faced by the different...