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  1. Finance Prof

    There are plenty of banknotes in Argentina, yet Argentines are not rich

    Good read about how expensive Argentina is in dollars and also the inflation here. https://english.elpais.com/economy-and-business/2024-09-09/there-are-plenty-of-banknotes-in-argentina-yet-argentines-are-not-rich.html
  2. David

    New Argentine Currency Launched to Offset Milei’s Shock Therapy

    Who in their right mind would accept these Chachos? I know several provinces tried this in the early 2000's and eventually people were able to cash them in but does anyone really think that anyone will get made whole on their Chachos...
  3. W

    ‘Los chachos’: La Rioja launches currency to offset Milei’s shock therapy

    Provinces starting to print their own junk currencies again. https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/economy/los-chachos-la-rioja-launches-currency-to-offset-mileis-shock-therapy.phtml
  4. Russell

    Economy The 'Chachos' are already circulating in La Rioja - does issuing a new currency serve any purpose?

    Does this tactic really work to revive the economy and consumption? I'm not so sure about that; it was already tried during the 2001 crisis in Argentina, and it didn't turn out well. It worked as a local exchange alternative in some communities but didn't solve the national economic problems...
  5. lovelyM

    Economy Why did the province of La Rioja create its own currency?

  6. All the Answers

    Economy Currency competition and dollarization: is Milei's economic plan going towards the Peruvian model or towards that of El Salvador? - Infobae

    Currency competition and dollarization: is Milei's economic plan going towards the Peruvian model or towards that of El Salvador? - Infobae Source...
  7. All the Answers

    Economy Record free dollar: how far the rise of the currency can continue - Infobae

    Record free dollar: how far the rise of the currency can continue - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/23/dolar-libre-record-hasta-donde-puede-continuar-la-suba-de-la-divisa/ May 23, 2024 The “blue” dollar reached $1,300 for sale, in its fifth consecutive day on the...
  8. R

    Economy Currency competition: to prepare the exit from the stocks, the Milei Government now points to the Peruvian model - Infobae

    Currency competition: to prepare the exit from the stocks, the Milei Government now points to the Peruvian model - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/03/06/competencia-de-monedas-para-preparar-la-salida-del-cepo-el-gobierno-de-milei-apunta-ahora-al-modelo-peruano/ March...
  9. Breez

    Newcomer Looking for currency exchange options near the cruise port on a Sunday

    Our cruise ship will dock at Terminal de Cruceros Benito Quinquela Martín in two weeks on a Sunday. Are there any currency exchange offices (cambios) in that vicinity, or should we take an Uber to Florida Street? Thank you.
  10. Starfish

    Politics Defying Milei’s Austerity, an Argentina Province Plans Its Own Currency -- Bloomberg

    It will be interesting if other provinces also try to invent up their own currencies. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/defying-milei-s-austerity-an-argentina-province-plans-its-own-currency-1.2024200
  11. Flamingo

    Economy La Rioja presents bill to issue AR$15 billion in parallel provincial currency

    Interesting to see how this plays out. La Rioja province is thinking about using their own kind of money instead of dollars. They might even make special bonds using this new money. “I do not want our people to die of hunger,” said the governor. “The currency would have a percentage in cash...
  12. galaxy

    Newcomer First visit to Buenos Aires – a few inquiries

    Hello, I'm planning a trip to Argentina at the end of February, visiting Buenos Aires and El Calafate, and I have some questions. Currency I'm a bit confused about the currency situation in Argentina. Should I bring cash in USD or EUR? And how can I ensure I get the best exchange rate for...
  13. Finance Prof

    Banking Argentina's BCRA planning larger-denomination bills - MercoPress

    I can't wait until these 20,000 and 50,000 notes come out in March 2024. Even the 2,000 peso notes are very elusive and I almost never get them! https://en.mercopress.com/2023/12/26/argentina-s-bcra-planning-larger-denomination-bills
  14. J

    Economy What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    I’ll just leave this here and then show myself out. The amount of nonsense and vitriol I’m expecting is past the roof. In June, I asked what I thought was an innocent question: “What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?” I got many great responses, but I also got idiotic responses that don’t...
  15. S

    Travel Traveling to Buenos Aires

    After the covid situation ends and Argentina allows travelers back. I plan on moving to Argentina for an extended stay. My question: what is the penalty for brining more than $10,000 US dollars into the country if I declare it. Other than being robbed, will Argentina tax me on the money, make me...