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  1. L

    Milei's alleged success under questioning from studies measuring people's reality

    Now you are starting to see people talk about what I have mentioned about him. Smoke and mirrors. People are seeing the Emperor has no clothes on...
  2. All the Answers

    Economy Due to the advance of inflation, the free dollar is at its lowest real value in the last five years - Infobae

    Due to the advance of inflation, the free dollar is at its lowest real value in the last five years - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/15/por-el-avance-de-la-inflacion-el-dolar-libre-esta-en-su-valor-real-mas-bajo-de-los-ultimos-cinco-anos/ April 15, 2024 With a CPI...
  3. U

    Wages in Argentina Suffer Record Drop after Milei Devalues Peso

    (Bloomberg) -- Private-sector wages in Argentina fell the most in nearly three decades after President Javier Milei’s currency devaluation, according to a new government report. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/wages-argentina-suffer-record-drop-010149238.html
  4. All the Answers

    Economy What is going to happen to the dollar?: the keys that explain the decline and what experts expect for the coming months - Infobae

    What is going to happen to the dollar?: the keys that explain the decline and what experts expect for the coming months - Infobae Source...
  5. Anonumas

    Politics Social movements will march to supermarkets to demand food and ask for responses from the Government - Infobae

    Social movements will march to supermarkets to demand food and ask for responses from the Government - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/31/los-movimientos-sociales-marcharan-a-los-supermercados-para-reclamar-alimentos-y-piden-respuestas-del-gobierno/ January 31, 2024...
  6. Nasdaq

    Economy Argentina inflation, widening FX gap revive devaluation chatter - Reuters

    The gap between the official rate and the blue rate is once again widening. https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/argentina-inflation-widening-fx-gap-revive-devaluation-chatter-2024-01-19/
  7. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Argentina: The impact of the devaluation on residential sales and the fine print of the new stamp duty tax - South American Real Estate News

    Argentina: The impact of the devaluation on residential sales and the fine print of the new stamp duty tax - South American Real Estate News Source...
  8. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News USD costs fall due to devaluation - Reporte Inmobiliario

    USD costs fall due to devaluation - Reporte Inmobiliario Source: https://www.reporteinmobiliario.com/article5358-costos-en-usd-caen-por-devaluacion September 29, 2023 Measured in pesos they exceeded inflation. The evolution of the exchange rate caused the cost of building construction to...
  9. T

    Economy Dollar still and inflation on the rise: how much the exchange rate lagged since the devaluation - Infobae

    Dollar still and inflation on the rise: how much the exchange rate lagged since the devaluation - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/05/dolar-quieto-e-inflacion-en-alza-cuanto-se-atraso-el-tipo-de-cambio-desde-la-devaluacion/ January 05, 2024 The exchange rate jump...
  10. Billy Goat

    Economy The Government is experiencing its exchange "summer": how long can it last - Perfil

    Ah, the economic telenovela continues with its twists and turns, keeping us all on the edge of our seats! So, the master plan is a 2% monthly devaluation of the official dolar – a slow and steady dance with inflation. But wait, the plot thickens! The $800 rate, once a shining star, might lose...
  11. Robert07

    Politics Argentina’s unions fill streets to protest president’s actions - SiliconValley.com

    Argentina’s unions fill streets to protest president’s actions - SiliconValley.com Source: https://www.siliconvalley.com/2023/12/27/argentinas-unions-fill-streets-to-protest-presidents-actions/ Newly elected leader Javier Milei has devalued the country's currency by 50% Gustavo...
  12. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Properties: The impact of the devaluation on sales and the fine print of the new stamp tax - La Nacion Propiedades

    Properties: The impact of the devaluation on sales and the fine print of the new stamp tax - La Nacion Propiedades Source...
  13. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Devaluation effect: What will happen to the price of properties, the cost of building and where the opportunities are - La Nacion Propiedades

    Devaluation effect: What will happen to the price of properties, the cost of building and where the opportunities are December 15, 2023 The answers to eight key questions for those who want to buy property, build or move By Carla Quiroga Property prices hit a floor, say sector leaders...
  14. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Rents and the Chainsaw Plan: In the midst of a stagnant market, what will happen to prices after the devaluation - Infobae

    Rents and the Chainsaw Plan: In the midst of a stagnant market, what will happen to prices after the devaluation December 14, 2023 Those trying to renew contracts, such as those looking for homes, have an increasingly difficult scenario in the face of a shortage that has worsened in recent...
  15. L

    Politics It Only Took Javier Milei Two Days To Commit a Monumental Error - Forbes

    It Only Took Javier Milei Two Days To Commit a Monumental Error - Forbes December 14, 2023 Source: FORBES John Tamny Contributor It only took Javier Milei a couple of days in office to trip up. This is worrisome, both for Milei and Argentina. Think the 50% devaluation of the Argentine...
  16. T

    De-Dollarization Affecting Expats and Nomads

    I've been reading a lot about this the last couple of months It means other countries are no longer using US dollars to trade with each other, for example China and Russia and using Yuan and Ruble, etc. Even Saudi Arabia is trading with China in their respective currencies. I just read this...