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economic news

  1. S

    Economy First significant reduction in the BCRA's interest-bearing liabilities in pesos

    It took about 50 days for the Central Bank (BCRA) to show the first significant nominal decrease in the stock of debt remunerated in pesos. This huge and heavy liability, a true testimony of the excesses in monetary issuance by the Fernández administration, was reduced from $29.875 billion to...
  2. RichardOne

    FX Holiday today & Monday?

    Due to the unstable FX situation with the Blue Dollar at $ 442 and climbing .... It was announced on TV the FX holiday for Monday...? Means no official rate will be available...? Please confirm.
  3. MDirtBoy

    Economy Capital Flight Fell to $1.61B in Q1

    Capital flight, defined as "the formation of assets abroad by the non-financial sector," fell from $3.64B in Q4 2011 to $1.61B in Q1 2012 according to the central bank. NASDAQ Article There are a lot of people who will argue that CFK didn't have much choice but to impose currency controls to...
  4. T

    Economy Multiple Exchange Rates

    Lately there was a post wondering what the next move of the government would be. Apparently they are considering multiple exchange rates: http://www.cronista.com/economiapol...os-de-cambio-diferenciales-20120515-0059.html "Deputy Economy Minister Axel Kicillof's economic team is looking at...