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  1. All the Answers

    Economy Edenor and Edesur will fine 700,000 homes for a technical detail: what is the power factor and how to check it - Infobae

    Edenor and Edesur will fine 700,000 homes for a technical detail: what is the power factor and how to check it - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/05/edenor-y-edesur-aplicaran-multas-a-700000-hogares-por-un-detalle-tecnico-que-es-el-factor-de-potencia-y-como-revisarlo/...
  2. Vince

    Electricity and gas bills with sharp price increases began to arrive: how to read them to know how much subsidy each user receives

    The utility bills have started to go up. Learn how to read your bills and see if you're getting any subsidies. https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/07/22/comenzaron-a-llegar-boletas-con-fuertes-aumentos-de-luz-y-gas-como-leerlas-para-saber-cuanto-subsidio-recibe-cada-usuario/ English version
  3. MarksElian

    Economy Electricity increases: why some users will have increases much higher than those anticipated by the - Infobae

    Electricity increases: why some users will have increases much higher than those anticipated by the - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/02/20/aumentos-de-luz-por-que-algunos-usuarios-tendran-subas-muy-superiores-a-las-anunciadas-por-el-gobierno/ February 20, 2024 The...
  4. W

    Electricity rates: they rise up to 150% and will be updated every month by a new index tied to salaries and inflation - Clarin

    Looks like electricity rates are heading up 150% and will go up EVERY month now. Ouch. Electricity rates: they rise up to 150% and will be updated every month by a new index tied to salaries and inflation The Government defined the increase in electricity rates in AMBA that could arrive in...