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expatriate experience

  1. B

    Newcomer Would you move a family to Argentina...?

    If you were a family of 4 with a stable career and a happy family (2 young children) life in the UK but also looking for adventure, would you move to Argentina? Having been offered a very good job in a relatively leafy part of BA with excellent conditions but almost all in pesos we've started...
  2. C

    Legal My Divorce From Argentina

    After thinking about it for awhile, I have decided to run as fast as I can away from Argentina. I arrived approx 3 years ago with tons of spirit, plenty of cash, and a love of Argentina (as I am half Argie). The past two years have been a good lesson which has taught me....come back to...
  3. P

    Newcomer Relocation to SaoPaulo w/kids

    Hello everyone, It appears that we might be moving to Sao Paulo towards the end of the year. I arrived here in January, and settling in was quite challenging - finding schools for the kids, a suitable place to live, and so on. If any of you have lived in Sao Paulo, could you share your thoughts...
  4. G

    Economy Officially Done with BA

    After 2 years of living here and a few months of having thought about leaving BA, mainly due to the recent day to day hassles, out of control inflation, high prices (paying first class prices for third class level services/products), dollar control and land lady wanting me to pay rent at the...
  5. B

    Newcomer Cons to getting Argentine citizenship for Americans?

    A question for any Americans out there who have gotten Argentine citizenship, have you encountered any cons with the Argentine citizenship? Especially if you're planning to go back and live in the US later. Would you just try for residency if you could do it again, or do you think citizenship...