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  1. K

    Economy Milei listened to a tweet and ordered the removal of a restriction on exports

    This is excellent news, responding to people's requests. Just like Milei, who listened to a user's demand on X and decided to lift the restriction. Additionally, the annual limit for the foreign exchange exemption for service exporters will double from $12,000 to $24,000, as long as the earnings...
  2. L

    Economy Argentina on track to start corn exports to China in July - We are on the right track

    Milei is doing things right, and we are already seeing progress. https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/argentina-track-start-corn-exports-china-july-grains-chamber-head-2024-05-28/
  3. A

    Economy Finally, an economic plan that makes sense!

    Macri's government, along with the IMF, have agreed on an economic program that should succeed in bringing solid economic, and sustainable. growth to the country, far less inflation, and hopefully as a result, more social justice. There are only two impediments that may cause the program to...