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  1. All the Answers

    Economy More advances in digital payments: all wallets must work with cards in all QR readers - Infobae

    More advances in digital payments: all wallets must work with cards in all QR readers - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/31/mas-avances-en-los-pagos-digitales-todas-las-billeteras-deberan-funcionar-con-tarjeta-en-todos-los-lectores-qr/ May 31, 2024 Following the...
  2. greiger

    Politics Milei sends massive bill calling for power to legislate, privatize public companies - Buenos Aires Herald

    Milei sends massive bill calling for power to legislate, privatize public companies - Buenos Aires Herald Source: https://buenosairesherald.com/politics/milei-sends-massive-bill-calling-for-power-to-legislate-privatize-public-companies The bill requests a ‘public emergency’ be declared...
  3. StatusNomadicus

    Politics anti-Milei apartment owners: i will buy your BsAs apartment, if you're leaving the country

    para esas personas en el lado contra Milei, si vas a salir Argentina, estoy interesado en comprar tu PH/departamento en BsAs. dime las calles y el precio, y si aceptas Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin parte o todo de la venta. (this post may not be relevant to anyone here on this upgraded forum, but i no...
  4. earlyretirement

    Real Estate Sales Fabulous article that details how Argentina went from Being the wealthiest country in world to now

    I came across this excellent read. I'm always amazed how Argentina went from being one of the wealthiest to this. https://www.bowtiedmara.io/p/argentinas-century-long-decline