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gas crisis

  1. N

    Politics The Gas Crisis

    Now it turns out that Alberto has no memory and is blaming Milei for the gas crisis. Here's a reminder of who really destroyed the hydrocarbons industry: Nestor, Cristina, and you. Do those names sound familiar...
  2. All the Answers

    Politics The gas crisis: a government in a state of panic and Milei's diplomatic debt with Lula Da Silva - Infobae

    The gas crisis: a government in a state of panic and Milei's diplomatic debt with Lula Da Silva - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/29/la-crisis-del-gas-un-gobierno-en-estado-de-panico-y-una-deuda-diplomatica-de-milei-con-lula-da-silva/ May 29, 2024 Foreign Minister...