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historic building

  1. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News The incredible building where the creator of the Teatro Colón and other Argentine architectural gems lived is for sale - Infobae

    The incredible building where the creator of the Teatro Colón and other Argentine architectural gems lived is for sale - Infobae Source...
  2. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News The incredible history of the Buenos Aires building of the 39 sculptures and how much it costs to live there - Infobae

    The incredible history of the Buenos Aires building of the 39 sculptures and how much it costs to live there - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/02/18/la-increible-historia-del-historico-edificio-porteno-historico-de-las-39-esculturas-y-cuanto-cuesta-vivir-alli/...
  3. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News The unexpected historic building recognized by UNESCO in one of the neighborhoods with the greatest potential in the city - La Nacion Propiedades

    The unexpected historic building recognized by UNESCO in one of the neighborhoods with the greatest potential in the city - La Nacion Propiedades Source...
  4. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News The story behind the apartment that was abandoned in the dome of the Bencich Palace - La Nacion Propiedades

    The story behind the apartment that was abandoned in the dome of the Bencich Palace - La Nacion Propiedades Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/propiedades/casas-y-departamentos/la-historia-detras-del-departamento-que-estaba-abandonado-en-la-cupula-del-palacio-bencich-nid05012024/...
  5. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Properties: The history of the iconic Buenos Aires building that looks like it did in 1876 - La Nacion Propiedades

    Properties: The history of the iconic Buenos Aires building that looks like it did in 1876 - La Nacion Propiedades Source...
  6. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Recoleta and Palermo: Ten apartments that are sold at auction in pesos, one is in a historic building on Santa Fe Avenue - La Nación Propiedades

    Recoleta and Palermo: Ten apartments that are sold at auction in pesos, one is in a historic building on Santa Fe Avenue - La Nación Propiedades Source...
  7. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News On Arroyo Street: This will be the new luxury hotel in Buenos Aires in a historic building - La Nacion Propiedades

    On Arroyo Street: This will be the new luxury hotel in Buenos Aires in a historic building November 29, 2023 The Mihanovich Building, where the elegant Sofitel hotel operated, will reopen its doors in January with a new luxury hotel: Casa Lucía By Candelaria Reinoso Taccone This will be...
  8. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News A historic building in the downtown area that housed paintings by Antonio Berni will have a new destination - LN Propiedades

    A historic building in the downtown area that housed paintings by Antonio Berni will have a new destination November 23, 2023 Built in 1920, the building served different functions - such as being the guardian of Antonio Berni's works - now it will have homes and a gastronomic market. The...
  9. BuySellBA

    Real Estate Sales For sale: Apartment with one the most beautiful domes in BsAs

    For sale: Apartment with one the most beautiful domes in BsAs November 16, 2023 Properties: This apartment has one of the most beautiful domes in Buenos Aires and is for sale The restored apartment in one of the two domes of the “La Inmobiliaria” building has six rooms on seven levels with...