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  1. All the Answers

    Politics Libertarian Senator Abdala admitted that he has more than 15 advisors and most of them work in San Luis because his desire is to be governor - Infobae

    Libertarian Senator Abdala admitted that he has more than 15 advisors and most of them work in San Luis because his desire is to be governor - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/09/05/bartolome-abdala-tengo-15-asesores-porque-mi-deseo-es-ser-gobernador/ September 05, 2024...
  2. All the Answers

    Politics Alberto Fernández questioned Milei about the lack of gas and spoke of “ineptitude” in the libertarian government - Infobae

    Alberto Fernández questioned Milei about the lack of gas and spoke of “ineptitude” in the libertarian government - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/30/alberto-fernandez-cuestiono-a-milei-por-la-falta-de-gas-y-hablo-de-ineptitud-en-el-gobierno-libertario/ May 29, 2024...
  3. All the Answers

    Politics The reaction of the libertarian political arch to the presentation of Javier Milei's book at Luna Park - Infobae

    The reaction of the libertarian political arch to the presentation of Javier Milei's book at Luna Park - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/23/la-reaccion-del-arco-politico-libertario-a-la-presentacion-del-libro-de-javier-milei-en-el-luna-park/ May 23, 2024 A musical...
  4. All the Answers

    Politics “Milei, the revolution they did not see coming”, the book that goes from the biographical record to the dissemination of libertarian ideas - Infobae

    “Milei, the revolution they did not see coming”, the book that goes from the biographical record to the dissemination of libertarian ideas - Infobae Source...
  5. R

    Politics Nicolás Posse will meet with libertarian senators and deputies before Milei's speech in the Legislative Assembly - Infobae

    Nicolás Posse will meet with libertarian senators and deputies before Milei's speech in the Legislative Assembly - Infobae Source...
  6. MiltonRD

    Politics PAMI reduced 30 management and political positions with average salaries of $3,000,000 - Infobae

    PAMI reduced 30 management and political positions with average salaries of $3,000,000 - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/20/el-pami-redujo-30-gerencias-y-cargos-politicos-con-sueldos-de-3000000-promedio/ February 20, 2024 The social work for retirees began to apply...
  7. W

    Politics Strong warning from a leader for Milei's attacks: “There is no way that some libertarian cop wants to kill a deputy” - Infobae

    Strong warning from a leader for Milei's attacks: “There is no way that some libertarian cop wants to kill a deputy” - Infobae Source...
  8. StatusNomadicus

    Meet-up 17:00 today 20Feb2024 is the Assange rally - anyone going? (Plaza de Mayo)

    anyone follow the Julian Assange stuff? just curious if anyone is going to the 17:00 meet-up. rally? whatever you call it. 17:00-20:30 today (Tuesday) if you're not following, Julian Assange has been wrongfully imprisoned, convicted of no crimes, and held captive because he reported on...
  9. L

    Politics Deputies: the libertarian bloc asks to see Milei and redefine strategies after the fall of the Omnibus Law - Infobae

    Deputies: the libertarian bloc asks to see Milei and redefine strategies after the fall of the Omnibus Law - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/19/diputados-el-bloque-libertario-pide-ver-a-milei-y-redefinir-estrategias-tras-la-caida-de-la-ley-omnibus/ February 19, 2024...
  10. Lance

    Politics Milei brought together libertarian deputies at Casa Rosada to define the parliamentary strategy of the omnibus law - Infobae

    Milei brought together libertarian deputies at Casa Rosada to define the parliamentary strategy of the omnibus law - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/03/javier-milei-reunio-a-diputados-libertarios-en-casa-rosada-ley-omnibus-y-dnu-al-tope-de-la-agenda/ January 03, 2024...
  11. Che Vos

    Politics Libertarian Pilgrims Set Sail For Argentina In Search Of A Better Life. ( The Babylon Bee)

    Libertarian Pilgrims Set Sail For Argentina In Search Of A Better Life The Babylon Bee https://babylonbee.com/cleanArticle/libertarian-pilgrims-set-sail-for-argentina-in-search-of-a-better-life PORTSMOUTH, NH — Immediately after Argentinians did the unthinkable and elected an actual...
  12. Che Vos

    Politics 1 Billion Argentinians Already Dead After Libertarian Elected (The Babylon Bee)

    1 Billion Argentinians Already Dead After Libertarian Elected - The Babylon Bee https://babylonbee.com/cleanArticle/1-billion-argentinians-already-dead-after-libertarian-elected BUENOS AIRES — A catastrophic tragedy has befallen the former socialist utopia of Argentina as 1 billion citizens...
  13. earlyretirement

    Politics Argentina libertarian president-elect picks a former Central Bank chief as his economy minister (Associated Press)

    Argentina’s libertarian president-elect picks a former Central Bank chief as his economy minister - AP FILE - Then Finance Minister Luis Caputo attends a news conference at the Casa Rosada presidential palace, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Dec. 30, 2016. Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei...
  14. StatusNomadicus

    Politics anti-Milei apartment owners: i will buy your BsAs apartment, if you're leaving the country

    para esas personas en el lado contra Milei, si vas a salir Argentina, estoy interesado en comprar tu PH/departamento en BsAs. dime las calles y el precio, y si aceptas Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin parte o todo de la venta. (this post may not be relevant to anyone here on this upgraded forum, but i no...