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living in argentina

  1. Pink Panther

    Culture Shocks from Living in Argentina as an Expat?

    I found this video by accident today after watching a video on Meloni. But it got me wondering, what are your cultural shocks for you about living in Buenos Aires or Argentina as an expat? Here is a video below about some of them from expats. For me when I first got here it was a big shock of...
  2. M

    Newcomer Basic salary and cost of living in BA

    In the midst of Argentina's challenging economic situation, it's common to question both the minimum wage, what is it nowadays?, as well as to wonder what income is necessary for a decent standard of living, covering basic needs without excessive luxuries. Additionally, I'm curious about the...
  3. M

    What are you favorite things about living in Buenos Aires as an Expat or living in Argentina if not living in BA?

    I used to come to Buenos Aires many times but then stopped over COVID but it sounds like things are back to normal now. I am selling my apartment in Madrid and thinking about moving to Buenos Aires. I have so many things I love about Buenos Aires. It was very affordable and looks much...
  4. F

    Newcomer What are you biggest complaints about living in Argentina?

    Would like to know in advance what I'm getting into for the 3-4 month period I will be there for my trial run.
  5. S

    Newcomer Buenos Aires in or out

    I saw an article in youtube today that mentioned that many americans are moving to Argentina. Is there an inflow of americans moving to argentina or does everybody want to leave?