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long-term rental

  1. H

    Peso long-term rental prices set to drastically increase with inflation index!

    My friend was very happy with a long-term lease she had with a property owner for several years that she got locked into during Covid. She had a great deal where her rental contract was in pesos and was for 3 years and only could get adjusted once a year. With Milei's new law, it got more...
  2. L

    Inflation index on long-term rental apartment rental contracts in Buenos Aires?

    Long time lurker but first time poster. I have been renting an apartment from the same owner for the past several years. I initially got stuck here during Covid but have been playing the perma tourist game. So far so good. Argentina has to be the easiest country in the world to stay...
  3. L

    I thought Airbnb rentals long-term were protected for the tenant but my friend just got kicked out of a long-term rental in Buenos Aires?

    I always thought the safest way to rent a property as a tenant was via Airbnb. I have used them all the time. Usually I just do the first rental with Airbnb and then do a deal direct with the owner to save on Airbnb fees. My friend here from the UK preferred going through Airbnb even though...
  4. blessing

    Can a foreigner rent a long-term rental in pesos in Buenos Aires? Running into issues with everyone asking for co-signer that owns property

    I just visited Buenos Aires and really loved it. I am American but my girlfriend is from Argentina. She hasn't been back in many years but she also loved it. She has a US passport as one of her parents is from the United States. We are thinking of moving to Buenos Aires as it is more...
  5. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Airbnb could offer rentals for one year and thus enter the long-term rental market - La Nación Propiedades

    Airbnb could offer rentals for one year and thus enter the long-term rental market - La Nación Propiedades Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/propiedades/casas-y-departamentos/airbnb-podria-ofrecer-alquileres-por-un-ano-y-desembarcar-asi-en-el-mercado-de-alquileres-a-largo-nid17102023/...
  6. Spend Thrift

    Newcomer Life in Buenos Aires after 1 month of living here as an expat

    Hello from a 68 year-old Seattle native currently navigating Buenos Aires! Getting cash has proven to be a challenge with ATM machines charging a whopping surcharge to withdraw and limiting how much I can take out. Following advice I went to Uruguay to secure US dollars, enduring a full day...
  7. C

    Apartment Rental Apartment needed one person

    I need a place starting Sept 1. Just me....no smoking, bright, clean, washing machine, internet, probably for 3 months or so, love Recoleta, $500-$600---with photos, please. After that a 3 bedroom apartment for 2 adults and a 2 year old.....permanent.