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  1. Uncle Wong

    Selling your soul to the devil? (Milei vs. Macri)

    Timely article. It seems like one will stab the other in the back first chance they will get. Who will it be? https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/opinion-and-analysis/selling-your-soul-to-the-devil.phtml
  2. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Jorge Macri gave details of the new Urban Planning Code and sought to reassure businessmen: what will the Buenos Aires government seek? - Infobae

    Jorge Macri gave details of the new Urban Planning Code and sought to reassure businessmen: what will the Buenos Aires government seek? - Infobae Sourcre...
  3. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Urban Planning Code of Buenos Aires: Jorge Macri met with developers and builders to analyze the changes - Infobae

    Urban Planning Code of Buenos Aires: Jorge Macri met with developers and builders to analyze the changes - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/08/13/codigo-urbanistico-porteno-jorge-macri-se-reunio-con-desarrolladores-y-constructores-para-analizar-los-cambios/ August 13...
  4. All the Answers

    Politics Distanced from Bullrich, Macri waits for the approval of the Bases Law to differentiate the PRO from Milei and resist a merger - Infobae

    Distanced from Bullrich, Macri waits for the approval of the Bases Law to differentiate the PRO from Milei and resist a merger - Infobae Source...
  5. All the Answers

    Politics After the elections in the PRO, Macri and Bullrich begin to discuss an electoral confluence with Milei - Infobae

    After the elections in the PRO, Macri and Bullrich begin to discuss an electoral confluence with Milei - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/22/tras-las-elecciones-en-el-pro-macri-y-bullrich-empiezan-a-discutir-una-confluencia-electoral-con-milei/ March 22, 2024 The...
  6. All the Answers

    Politics Jorge Macri defended the actions of the City Police with the picketers: “The State has to establish order” - Infobae

    Jorge Macri defended the actions of the City Police with the picketers: “The State has to establish order” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/19/jorge-macri-defendio-el-accionar-de-la-policia-de-la-ciudad-con-los-piqueteros-el-estado-tiene-que-poner-orden/ March 19...
  7. L

    Politics Mauricio Macri supported Milei: “It's him, his sister and the networks” - Infobae

    Mauricio Macri supported Milei: “It's him, his sister and the networks” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/07/mauricio-macri-respaldo-a-milei-es-el-su-hermana-y-las-redes-ha-generado-un-shock/ March 07, 2024 The former president headed an event organized by the...
  8. PerryP

    Politics The conflict with Chubut exposed Milei's sustained strategy, the oscillating link with the PRO and the differences between Macri and Bullrich- Infobae

    The conflict with Chubut exposed Milei's sustained strategy, the oscillating link with the PRO and the differences between Macri and Bullrich - Infobae Source...
  9. Richard02

    Politics Macri arrives in Buenos Aires today with the intention of meeting hand in hand with Milei and ordering the PRO internal - Infobae

    Macri arrives in Buenos Aires today with the intention of meeting hand in hand with Milei and ordering the PRO internal - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/19/macri-llega-hoy-a-buenos-aires-con-intenciones-de-reunirse-mano-a-mano-con-milei-y-ordenar-la-interna-del-pro/...
  10. Melody13

    Politics Javier Milei stated that Cristina Kirchner seeks to “dynamite” her agreement with Mauricio Macri: “She wants me to eat the curve” - Infobae

    Javier Milei stated that Cristina Kirchner seeks to “dynamite” her agreement with Mauricio Macri: “She wants me to eat the curve” - Infobae Source...
  11. CarolineTrip

    Politics Macri returns from Cumelén determined to preside over PRO and Bullrich works for a convergence with Milei: chats and frenetic meetings

    Former President Mauricio Macri and the Minister of Security exchange messages and consider a meeting before March. Macri seeks to lead PRO, while the minister pushes for a merger with La Libertad Avanza. Macri has become a key player in Argentine politics, exercising a veto power that...
  12. Val

    Politics Congress appears again as a central test for Milei: extraordinary sessions and negotiation with Macri - Infobae

    Congress appears again as a central test for Milei: extraordinary sessions and negotiation with Macri - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/14/el-congreso-se-muestra-otra-vez-como-prueba-central-para-milei-sesiones-extraordinarias-y-negociacion-con-macri/ February 14...
  13. James22

    Politics Javier Milei defines with the Government's small table the format of the agreement with the PRO: no date for a meeting with Macri - Infobae

    Javier Milei defines with the Government's small table the format of the agreement with the PRO: no date for a meeting with Macri - Infobae Source...
  14. marianoc

    Politics Milei's fight with the governors conditions the future of the Cabinet and opens the door to a new partnership with the PRO - Infobae

    Milei's fight with the governors conditions the future of the Cabinet and opens the door to a new partnership with the PRO - Infobae Source...
  15. cameron

    Politics Axel Kicillof responded to Jorge Macri about the priority for Buenos Aires residents in the City's hospitals: “It is stupid reasoning” - Infobae

    Axel Kicillof responded to Jorge Macri about the priority for Buenos Aires residents in the City's hospitals: “It is stupid reasoning” - Infobae Source...
  16. S

    Politics In the midst of a Crisis Macri picks up daughter from school in a helicopter

    https://www.pagina12.com.ar/144651-del-colegio-al-helicoptero Nice to see this solidarity with the people! Way to go, Macri!
  17. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Jorge Macri confirmed Álvaro García Resta in the “Urban Development” area of CABA: What will be his priorities in the coming years - Infobae

    Jorge Macri confirmed Álvaro García Resta in the “Urban Development” area of CABA: What will be his priorities in the coming years December 2, 2023 The architect and urban planner, in charge of the Secretariat since the end of 2015, will have the challenge of promoting the Move to the...
  18. earlyretirement

    Politics The shock of Javier Milei, the urgent calls and a special request from Cristina Kirchner - Clarin

    The shock of Javier Milei, the urgent calls, and a special request from Cristina Kirchner - Clarin November 26, 2023 The libertarian wants a strong adjustment after the 2023 elections. What does Macri ask of him and what is his advice for the start of the administration? The noises with...
  19. P

    Economy Argentina downgraded to nearly junk status

    The powers that control Argentina want to punish her for expressing their collective vote and saying no to austerity and servitude. People voted against Macri due to their terrible financial situation . Unfortunately I believe it will get much worse if Argentina defaults...
  20. F

    Economy Argentina's Lessons: Gradualism and Fear of Reforms Are Fatal for an Economy

    Original in Portuguese here. Google Translate works on it very well. Great read on how and why Macri failed miserably as president.