16Dec2023 credit card (MasterCard) rate for a large pizza at Teque Pizza (surprisingly good BBQ Chicken Pizza, 7/10 overall)
6400 Pesos / $6.98 USD = 917 ARS/Dollar, MercadoPago ticket (i'm just going to round these to a whole number from now on, for future comparison simplicity)
hope no one...
I visited Buenos Aires from October 26, 2023, to November 16, 2023, and everything went smoothly with the "blue rate" when using my Mastercard credit card.
Upon receiving my credit card statement, I noticed an issue regarding the use of VIATOR, the travel company, for booking three day trips to...
Has anyone observed the decrease in exchange rates for Visa credit cards, going from over 1 USD = 800+ ARS to the current rate of 1 USD = 374 ARS? We'll be traveling to Buenos Aires in two weeks, and I'm considering whether to use my credit card or bring cash to take advantage of the more...