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  1. J

    A former Córdoba Mayor won 260 times in the casino and won the Lottery 5 times

    This is crazy! If I'm a corrupt politician, I'd be so scared right now with everything Milei's administration is uncovering. A former mayor in Córdoba won 260 times in the casino and five times in the lottery: he is investigated for laundering...
  2. wonka

    Politics What will happen to Mayor Fernando Espinoza, who has been accused and prosecuted for sexual abuse?

    What will happen to the mayor of La Matanza? Will he continue in office despite the accusation and prosecution for sexual abuse? The worst part is that he receives support from Kicillof. https://ground.news/article/fernando-espinoza-mayor-of-la-matanza-processed-for-sexual-abuse...
  3. dark

    Economy Milei meets this noon with Blackrock CEO Larry Fink, the largest global investment fund: they could talk about privatizations- Infobae

    Milei se reúne este mediodía con el CEO de Blackrock, Larry Fink, el mayor fondo de inversión global: podrían hablar de privatizaciones - Infobae Source...
  4. F

    Newcomer What fresh insanity is this?

    So, I read the Buenos Aires Herald online this morning and see a comment in the first headline about a singer critising the mayor over the set up of an 0800 number to nark on political activities in schools? Is this for real? An 0800 number? I really hope something has been lost in translation.