UVA mortgage loans: They authorize the purchase of the MEP dollar at the time the deed is signed - La Nacion
This is very positive because if someone takes out a mortgage loan (which is valued in pesos), they can now convert it to dollars.
This is important as it allows borrowers to access a more flexible and potentially more beneficial financing option for purchasing a home.
I believe that in this...
After the jump in the free dollar, what do analysts expect for this week? - Infobae
May 27, 2024
Although in recent days a return to exchange rate volatility has...
What's behind that big jump? The economic variables of this country surprise us every day.
Step by step: how to buy the MEP dollar in the main virtual wallets - Infonbae
February 21, 2024
Virtual wallets enabled the purchase of the MEP dollar, which...
16Dec2023 credit card (MasterCard) rate for a large pizza at Teque Pizza (surprisingly good BBQ Chicken Pizza, 7/10 overall)
6400 Pesos / $6.98 USD = 917 ARS/Dollar, MercadoPago ticket (i'm just going to round these to a whole number from now on, for future comparison simplicity)
hope no one...
Has anyone observed the decrease in exchange rates for Visa credit cards, going from over 1 USD = 800+ ARS to the current rate of 1 USD = 374 ARS? We'll be traveling to Buenos Aires in two weeks, and I'm considering whether to use my credit card or bring cash to take advantage of the more...
I've received information from tour operators suggesting that using street exchanges or money exchange houses might not be safe due to recent governmental actions post-election. It seems the new administration is clamping down on unauthorized cash exchanges. If this is accurate, what would be...
Forgive this newbie but I'm coming to Buenos Aires for 1 month in a few weeks. I read that foreigners can use their credit cards from their home countries (I am American) and I will get a special exchange rate. I read some old articles and I found these...