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  1. Blockchain

    Why is Javier Milei spending more on Argentina’s army?

    What is the general local consensus there on the government wanting to increase military spending? I can't imagine the appetite is high for that when there are so many other economic issues, recession and vetoing the pension increase. Can't imagine that will be an easy sell...
  2. Russell

    Have You Heard About These Scams? Fake U.S. Military Impersonators

    The current scam trend involves individuals impersonating U.S. military personnel, both men and women. In one case, an Argentine fell in love with a supposed U.S. female soldier and transferred $1 million for her to travel to Chubut, but it was all a scam. This type of fraud is becoming so...
  3. Avocado

    Tank poses, gifts and a toast – Milei’s Independence Day military parade

    What a waste of precious funds. No hay plata but I can't imagine how much they waste on this parade. The ex-combatants also questioned the "unnecessary expense of a parade when there are people dying of hunger and cold in the richest district in the country."...
  4. ranchero

    Newcomer A Wild Initiation for New Recruits Starting Their Military Journey

    This news really surprised me. Are these kinds of rituals still happening? Is this normal here in Argentina? I imagine there must be isolated cases, but from what I've read, this type of initiation ritual is done for new recruits as a tradition...
  5. Flamingo

    Milei orders military parades for Independence Day celebrations - I thought No Hay Plata!

    What do all of you Milei supporters think of Milei's increased interest in the military and military spending? I thought No Hay Plata?! Spending time and money on a military parade is the last thing Argentina needs. I hope some of you supporters will at least post when he is making mistakes too...