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  1. M

    How can the food here be so bad ?

    I love Argentina but how? Something as simple as a sandwhich de milenesa will be so dry and awful every bite is a choking hazard. Buy a simple "Milenesa con pure" and its so thin it almost doesn't exist. And this restaurant is rated 4.5 stars in google maps so Argentines actually think this...
  2. All the Answers

    Politics The food crisis that ended with the expulsion of Pablo de la Torre: suspicions and the urgency to distribute milk about to expire - Infobae

    The food crisis that ended with the expulsion of Pablo de la Torre: suspicions and the urgency to distribute milk about to expire - Infobae Source...
  3. All the Answers

    Politics The Government will distribute with the Army more than a thousand tons of powdered milk that is two months from expiration - Infobae

    The Government will distribute with the Army more than a thousand tons of powdered milk that is two months from expiration - Infobae Source...
  4. Ron

    Economy Milk consumption fell by almost 20%

    I think milk should be considered an essential product. I read that consumption has dropped and that people are opting for cheaper products, but what could replace milk? This is indeed concerning. I hope everything returns to normal because there are foods or products that are irreplaceable...
  5. All the Answers

    Economy Milk consumption fell almost 20% in the first quarter - Infobae

    Milk consumption fell almost 20% in the first quarter - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/22/el-consumo-de-leche-cayo-casi-20-en-el-primer-trimestre/ May 22, 2024 This was indicated by the Institute for Argentine Agroindustrial Development (IDAA), which specified...
  6. Avocado

    Argentina has highest rice price in the world now - Thank you Milei!

    All the food is so expense here now. Thanks to Milei. Argentina has some of the highest rice prices in the world! https://www.diariopopular.com.ar/economia/el-triste-record-tener-el-arroz-mas-caro-del-mundo-n783812#google_vignette