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new building

  1. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Consortiums: how to choose a new building manager and ensure a successful transfer - Infobae

    Consortiums: how to choose a new building manager and ensure a successful transfer - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/07/26/consorcios-como-elegir-el-nuevo-administrador-para-un-edificio-y-asegurar-un-traspaso-exitoso/ July 26, 2024 The ideal is to find a new...
  2. S

    Apartment Rental Looking for an apartment

    We're currently residing in an apartment rented through a temporary stay agency. Initially, the rent was set at $1900 USD per month, but after negotiations and my commitment to paying in advance, we successfully negotiated it down to $1250 USD per month. With the contract set to expire at the...