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no hay plata

  1. L

    President Milei has now traveled 20% of his entire Presidency in other countries

    Thank you to @Avocado who posted this on another post. So much for No Hay Plata. Yet another trip by Milei. This makes 12 trips. Only in office 229 days and he spent 47 days traveling. 20% of the time he is not even in Argentina. He has now visited 11 different countries and 5 different states...
  2. Flamingo

    Milei orders military parades for Independence Day celebrations - I thought No Hay Plata!

    What do all of you Milei supporters think of Milei's increased interest in the military and military spending? I thought No Hay Plata?! Spending time and money on a military parade is the last thing Argentina needs. I hope some of you supporters will at least post when he is making mistakes too...
  3. N

    Milei decided to suspend the content of social networks and websites of Public Media

    At last, communication will be clear and non-partisan.