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  1. All the Answers

    Politics Praise from the United States for the reforms promoted by Milei: “They generate optimism in companies” - Infobae

    Praise from the United States for the reforms promoted by Milei: “They generate optimism in companies” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/05/24/elogio-de-estados-unidos-a-las-reformas-que-impulsa-milei-generan-optimismo-en-las-empresas/ May 24, 2024 This was stated by...
  2. All the Answers

    Economy Milei's optimism due to the slowdown in inflation: what do you think will happen this month with the consumer price index - Infobae

    Milei's optimism due to the slowdown in inflation: what do you think will happen this month with the consumer price index - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/22/optimismo-de-milei-por-la-inflacion-que-cree-que-pasara-este-mes-con-el-indice-de-precios-al-consumidor/...
  3. All the Answers

    Economy Milei's optimism after the trip to the US: he believes that the fiscal goal with the IMF for the first quarter was met - Infobae

    Milei's optimism after the trip to the US: he believes that the fiscal goal with the IMF for the first quarter was met - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/15/el-gobierno-cumplio-con-la-meta-de-superavit-fiscal-del-primer-trimestre-acordada-con-el-fmi/ April 15, 2024...
  4. I

    Trip Reports Reasons to be happy

    1. The current band of idiots ruling this country won't last forever. 2. Summer is coming and everyone will generally be happier. 3. Permatourism still rocks Please help me out here...