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pais tax

  1. All the Answers

    Economy The Central Bank projects that inflation will fall to 3.5% in September after the reduction of the PAIS tax - Infobae

    The Central Bank projects that inflation will fall to 3.5% in September after the reduction of the PAIS tax - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/10/el-banco-central-proyecta-que-la-inflacion-bajara-a-35-en-septiembre-tras-la-reduccion-del-impuesto-pais/ September 10, 2024...
  2. All the Answers

    Economy After the reduction of the PAIS tax, importers returned to the market and there is more demand for the official dollar - Infobae

    After the reduction of the PAIS tax, importers returned to the market and there is more demand for the official dollar - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/05/tras-la-baja-del-impuesto-pais-volvieron-los-importadores-al-mercado-y-hay-mas-demanda-para-el-dolar-oficial/...
  3. Finance Prof

    ‘Uncertainty’ over government decision to postpone end of exchange restrictions

    Seems like the government's biggest priority is lowering inflation. I think they should be working to end CEPO ASAP but not sure this is going to have a happy ending next year. The government says we are at the lowest levels of the recession but I'm not so sure...
  4. All the Answers

    Economy The Government made official the reduction of the PAIS tax and an impact on prices, imports and collection is expected - Infobae

    The Government made official the reduction of the PAIS tax and an impact on prices, imports and collection is expected - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/02/el-gobierno-oficializo-la-baja-del-impuesto-pais-y-se-espera-un-impacto-en-precios-importaciones-y-recaudacion/...
  5. All the Answers

    Economy What will happen to food prices after the reduction of the PAIS tax: in which areas will there be a greater impact? - Infobae

    What will happen to food prices after the reduction of the PAIS tax: in which areas will there be a greater impact? - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/08/30/que-pasara-con-los-precios-de-los-alimentos-tras-la-baja-del-impuesto-pais-en-cuales-habra-mayor-impacto/...
  6. All the Answers

    Economy Investors bet heavily on money laundering and the reduction of the PAIS tax: there was euphoria in Argentine assets - Infobae

    Investors bet heavily on money laundering and the reduction of the PAIS tax: there was euphoria in Argentine assets - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/08/30/los-inversores-apostaron-fuerte-al-blanqueo-y-la-baja-del-impuesto-pais-hubo-euforia-en-los-activos-argentinos/...
  7. All the Answers

    Economy The Government wants to see lower prices on the shelves due to the reduction of the PAIS tax: what it asked of supermarkets - Infobae

    The Government wants to see lower prices on the shelves due to the reduction of the PAIS tax: what it asked of supermarkets - Infobae Source...