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  1. Vero

    Pasaje Rivarola: The little-known porteño pasaje that gives Paris a run for its money

    Buenos Aires has so many beautiful streets that had Parisian architects. This is one of the most beautiful streets that most people don't know about. https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/culture/pasaje-rivarola-the-little-known-porteno-pasaje-that-gives-paris-a-run-for-its-money.phtml
  2. N

    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    We've seen on social media the complaints from competitors about the cardboard beds. Some athletes, like the Australian BMX team and a few Argentine footballers, have been victims of theft. The Australians had it the worst, with their bags containing competition gear stolen. Adding to the...