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  1. All the Answers

    Politics The intimacy of Javier Milei's barbecue in Olivos with the deputies who supported the veto of the pension reform - Infobae

    The intimacy of Javier Milei's barbecue in Olivos with the deputies who supported the veto of the pension reform - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/09/18/la-intimidad-del-asado-en-olivos-de-javier-milei-con-los-diputados-que-apoyaron-el-veto-a-la-reforma-jubilatoria/...
  2. CecilM

    Politics Asado for everyone who voted against the pension increase

    Besides political positions, Milei rewards the lawmakers who voted against the pension increase with a grand barbecue or "Asado" at the Olivos residence. Hopefully, people won’t forget about these guys who flipped like pancakes...
  3. L

    Clashes outside Argentine Congress after veto of pension rise

    The heat is turning up on pensioners and police. Politicians couldn't get the two-thirds majority needed to override Milei's veto. https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/cvg3gxxe4lxo
  4. All the Answers

    Politics The opposition joins forces and will call for a session next Wednesday to reject the veto of the pension mobility reform - Infobae

    The opposition joins forces and will call for a session next Wednesday to reject the veto of the pension mobility reform - Infobae Source...
  5. Avocado

    Argentina police pepper spray pension protesters

    This is very shameful that the police would pepper spray protestors! https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/c2l1r92e5rzo
  6. Uncle Wong

    Senate passes new pension formula in defiance of Milei

    Doesn't sound like they will balance the budget any time soon with some of these increases. https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/argentina/senate-passes-new-pension-formula-in-defiance-of-milei.phtml
  7. BuySellBA

    Retirees can Apply for exemption of their ABL tax in Buenos Aires but beware of the low allowances on income.

    FYI for those that are retired and on pensions. You can apply for an exemption for your annual ABL tax on your property. Who can access this benefit? To qualify, applicants must meet the following requirements: Be owners, condominium owners or beneficiaries of the right to use a single...
  8. N

    Politics How quickly Anses accepted Javier Milei's resignation from his privileged pension 😂

    Anses typically takes weeks or even months to approve and process requests, but they accepted Milei's resignation remarkably quickly. LOL https://www.expatsba.com/threads/anses-accepted-the-waiver-of-privileged-retirement-presented-by-javier-milei-what-the-letter-says-infobae.3586/
  9. All the Answers

    Economy The new Bases Law seeks to repeal pension moratoriums: what it means for retirements - Infobae

    The new Bases Law seeks to repeal pension moratoriums: what it means for retirements - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/11/la-nueva-ley-omnibus-busca-derogar-las-moratorias-previsionales-que-significa-para-las-jubilaciones/ April 11, 2024 If this new version of the...
  10. All the Answers

    Politics The opposition seeks to call on the ruling party to debate a new pension adjustment formula - Infobae

    The opposition seeks to call on the ruling party to debate a new pension adjustment formula - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/04/08/la-oposicion-busca-emplazar-al-oficialismo-a-debatir-una-nueva-formula-de-ajuste-de-las-jubilaciones/ April 08, 2024 The Union for the...
  11. All the Answers

    Politics The labor reform and the change in the pension formula crossed the political debate at the AmCham summit - Infobae

    The labor reform and the change in the pension formula crossed the political debate at the AmCham summit - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/12/la-reforma-laboral-y-el-cambio-de-formula-jubilatoria-atravesaron-el-debate-politico-en-la-cumbre-de-amcham/ March 12, 2024...
  12. P

    Wow I was shocked to learn I have to pay some taxes on my Social Security payments. Do you all pay taxes on pension or SS benefits?

    I recently retired and I mistakenly assumed I didn't have to pay any state or federal taxes on my Social security benefits. I got the shock of my life when I found out I have to pay some taxes on it. I get my deceased husband's pension too. Do you all pay any taxes on your Social Security...
  13. Russell

    Newcomer Argentine rules regarding receival of foreign pension

    Hello, I'm currently weighing my options for the next phase of my life at 62 years old. I'm contemplating between emigrating to Argentina, retiring early and living off my pension, or adopting a lifestyle of moving between the European Economic Community (EEC) country where I currently reside...