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  1. TonyTigre

    Messi deserves praise for not attending the Presidential Medal of Honor ceremony

    Messi deserves praise for not attending the Presidential Medal of Honor ceremony because it seems to me like he clearly recognized that it was a political stunt to award him the medal this early in his association with the USA. He just only signed with Inter Miami in July 2023, just 17 months...
  2. All the Answers

    Politics Causes of “Extortion” picketing and “ghost” kitchens: a unique opportunity for justice, politics and social movements - Infobae

    Causes of “Extortion” picketing and “ghost” kitchens: a unique opportunity for justice, politics and social movements - Infobae Source...
  3. S

    Milei was right, the Central Bank was a complete disaster.

    (Chrome translation of https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/10/el-banco-central-sincero-una-perdida-multimillonaria-en-2023/) The Central Bank revealed a multimillion-dollar loss in 2023 The monetary organization presented its balance sheet for last year, where it stated that it had a loss...
  4. All the Answers

    Politics Javier Milei defended the economic course: “Throw away the Bases Law, we are going to achieve everything despite the politics” - Infobae

    Javier Milei defended the economic course: “Throw away the Bases Law, we are going to achieve everything despite the politics” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/04/25/javier-milei-defendio-el-rumbo-economico-tiren-la-ley-bases-vamos-a-lograr-todo-a-pesar-de-la-politica/...
  5. W

    Politics Milei's speech before Congress: harsh criticism of politics, diagnosis of the State and a surprise at the end - Infobae

    Milei's speech before Congress: harsh criticism of politics, diagnosis of the State and a surprise at the end - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/29/el-discurso-de-milei-ante-el-congreso-duras-criticas-a-la-politica-diagnostico-del-estado-y-una-sorpresa-para-el-final/...
  6. Lance

    Politics Argentina’s new president lays off 5,000 government employees hired in 2023, before he took office - AP News

    Argentina’s new president lays off 5,000 government employees hired in 2023, before he took office - AP News Source: https://apnews.com/article/argentina-milei-layoffs-cutbacks-economy-7dc274816cdea2fbed6242a39aa94a54 December 26, 2023 1 of 2 Demostrators climb to the fence of Congress...
  7. StatusNomadicus

    Politics anti-Milei apartment owners: i will buy your BsAs apartment, if you're leaving the country

    para esas personas en el lado contra Milei, si vas a salir Argentina, estoy interesado en comprar tu PH/departamento en BsAs. dime las calles y el precio, y si aceptas Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin parte o todo de la venta. (this post may not be relevant to anyone here on this upgraded forum, but i no...
  8. S

    Politics Caught Up in the Meaningless Protest Last Night

    Hi folks, Im orginaly from NYC and have been coming to BsAs for business and to be an expat for months at a time since 2005. I was walking up Santa Fe Avenue last night and had never seen so many people ( 100k-150k ) angry with the government and certainly never seen so many middle class...