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  1. All the Answers

    Politics The Government responded to Pope Francis: “We respect your opinion, but we do not have to share it” - Infobae

    The Government responded to Pope Francis: “We respect your opinion, but we do not have to share it” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/09/20/el-gobierno-le-respondio-al-papa-francisco-respetamos-su-opinion-pero-no-tenemos-por-que-compartirla/ September 20, 2024...
  2. Lord

    Politics Is the Pope a Peronist? 🫨

    It's pretty clear where his political leanings lie, right? Criticizing Milei's government when he's not even here...
  3. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News The story behind the building next to the Cabildo that is famous for its rooftop, a favorite of Pope Francis - La Nacion Propiedades

    The story behind the building next to the Cabildo that is famous for its rooftop, a favorite of Pope Francis - La Nacion Propiedades Source...
  4. Melody13

    Politics After his trip to Israel, Javier Milei arrived in Rome to meet with Pope Francis.

    The head of state landed in the Italian capital at 10:30 am Argentine time. On Sunday he will participate in the canonization ceremony of Mama Antula and then will meet alone with the Holy Father on Monday at the Library of the Apostolic Palace. President Javier Milei arrived today in Italy...
  5. Frosted Flakes

    Politics Some Catholics support Argentina's Milei — even after critical pope comments

    Interesting even Catholics still side with Milei after his comments. I think Catholics are finally starting to wise up on what a racket the Vatican is. https://www.ncronline.org/news/news/some-catholics-support-argentinas-milei-even-after-critical-pope-comments
  6. W

    Even the Pope is visiting Milei after Milei called him an imbecile - Fox News

    Just to show you the power of Milei and how world leaders realize how much power he has. President Milei called the Pope an imbecile during his campaign. Like many other things, Milei is back tracking and invited the Pope and the Pope knows he can't refuse his visit. For those that don't...