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public transportation

  1. gringer

    Newcomer This would really unleash chaos: train tickets priced at $2000

    The working middle class continues to get hit... https://www.expatsba.com/threads/the-government-says-that-the-minimum-train-ticket-should-cost-2-000-and-anticipates-a-new-increase-in-the-group-in-amba-infobae.3077/
  2. JulianBC

    Economy The increases in AMBA buses and trains began to take effect today: what are the new rates - Infobae

    The increases in AMBA buses and trains began to take effect today: what are the new rates - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/15/empiezan-a-regir-desde-hoy-los-aumentos-en-colectivos-y-trenes-del-amba-cuales-son-las-nuevas-tarifas/ January 15, 2024 The value of the...
  3. Traveler

    Newcomer Guide to Buenos Aires Public Transport System

    Hello, I'm about to head to BA for the first time, can't wait. I'm reaching out to inquire if anyone has a comprehensive guide tailored for English speakers on navigating the city's bus and train systems. I'm particularly interested in details such as where to procure tickets for tourists or...